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Old April 1st, 2014, 01:35 PM

Warhero Warhero is offline
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Default One question...

About loading troops into vehicles/tanks... Well I started long campaign as Russia 1941 and I chose my units as usual. After deploy I noticed that all infantry units were not loaded into vehicles/tanks automatically (as in previous versions)... Is this made by purpose? I even tried to use "load all" (or something like that) button but it didn't worked for me... So I spend some time to load all inf units into vehicles/tanks.

Do I always have to use "motorized inf" instead "normal" inf units (and to be sure that they are in their vehicles/lorries instead tanks or just "walking") if I want them to advance faster than by walk?

Thanks in advance,
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Old April 2nd, 2014, 08:23 PM

dwbennett dwbennett is offline
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Default Re: One question...

Well, I have a German armored infantry company as my primary core unit in my campaign and I have to load the troops in the half-tracks in every deployment. I've gotten pretty efficient at it now and here's an example of loading a line platoon. I put the troops in a line and then the vehicles in a line (E0 - E2 and then E3 - E6 as an example) right next to the troops. I then reselect the first troop unit to load (E0), press "L" and then click on the track I want to load it into (usually E3). I then repeat for the other two units and so on for the other platoons.

Hitting the "D" hot key to load all units on the nearest transport is a not a good idea if you want to know where your units are. I accidently did that a while back and had a fun time trying to find all the unit of a formation and then try to straighten it out. I had to move all them around to be near each other for command and rallying purposes; a big plus once contact is made.
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Old April 3rd, 2014, 09:02 AM
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Default Re: One question...

Autoload all is a pure lottery - the AI uses that and it makes a dogs breakfast of it. Not for humans, really, other than quick test scenarios perhaps.

If you have the full game, The L-D sequence will load all pax of the same platoon into their APCs, from anywhere if deploying and if in the same hex as the APC in the game itself. So all must be of the same platoon formation - so mainly used in MBT as mech platoons are rare in WW2.

However I almost invariably load up manually since then I know exactly who is in what carrier. I can also tweak multiple teams and transports - so maybe there is room to fit an ATGM and a manpack SAM team or an MG from the support troops if you load one way over another.

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