I have noticed for a while that SE4 dosen't handle large numbers of component calculations well.
Today, I just retrofitted my battlemoon from the ~150 component "Stage Two" of a retroseries, to its final, hulking 453 component "Stage Three".
However, it took about five seconds to complete the operation!
The fourth, and possibly final form of my BattleMoon will have another 300 components. 753 components total. (500 of them armor
I've also noticed in combat, that Heavy-mount torpedoes hitting small-tile armor take a noticable time between image impact, and the explosion image.
80 components per second seems reasonably fast, but P&N seems to overwhelm it at times...
I can forsee very long battle calculations in a PBW P&N game, especially if you get two races with heavy armor use. With 200 PPA components per DN (a ship would easily be 20% defenses), you're talking 2+ seconds just to destroy the ship, never mind the moving and firing phases. Moderate sized fleets (20 DN or equivalent) could take over a minute just to explode after they've been hit!
Don't even think about putting 2000 armor on a battlemoon and attacking it with fighters!
Running on a 1GHz Pentium, WinME
[This message has been edited by suicide_junkie (edited 30 October 2001).]