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Old August 2nd, 2001, 04:56 PM

Oggy ben Doggy Oggy ben Doggy is offline
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Default AI and surrendering

How do you get the AI to surrender? I've destryoed and Crew Insurgented all their ships, I'm blockading all their planets. I've tried anarchy Groups and glassing a few planets, but they keep defying me and warning me of a major offensive.

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Old August 2nd, 2001, 05:26 PM
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Default Re: AI and surrendering

If the AI will surrender or not, depend of some settings into the Politics.txt

For example the Pyrochette settings are:

Score Percent To Accept Demand your surrender := 6000
Will Accept From Friend Demand your surrender := False
Will Accept From Enemy Demand your surrender := True

The Pyrochette will surrender to enemies, but must have an score 6000% more than the Pyrochette! It mean than will be very difficult to see them surrending.
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Old August 2nd, 2001, 06:53 PM

Krakenup Krakenup is offline
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Default Re: AI and surrendering

Originally posted by Oggy ben Doggy:
How do you get the AI to surrender? I've destryoed and Crew Insurgented all their ships, I'm blockading all their planets. I've tried anarchy Groups and glassing a few planets, but they keep defying me and warning me of a major offensive.


It depends on the AI. Most standard AI's require that you have 10 times their score, but some require 20 or 50 times their score. Some of the TDM ModPack races will never surrender. As MB said, the settings are in the politics file. The minimum score for a race is the number of Tech levels times 200 plus 600 (automatic minimum resources, 200 of each). So once you have destroyed their ships and bases (not units) and blockaded all their planets, that's all you can do. Glassing planets doesn't help.
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Old August 2nd, 2001, 08:44 PM
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Default Re: AI and surrendering

From personal experience, I've gotten better results by asking for surrender in a demanding tone than in a neutral tone. 'Course, that was with the stock AI's, not TDM.


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Old August 3rd, 2001, 02:01 AM
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Default Re: AI and surrendering

Look at it this way: in RL wars, whether or not a nation will surrender doesn't follow any particular set of rules. It depends on the culture, the leader, the situation, etc.

I think that if the behaviour of the AI were completely predictable and logical---"I have X times its score, therefore it should surrender"--SEIV would be less fun as a game. I like the randomness of AI behaviour; to me, this makes it seem more human than most computer game AI.

Just my opinion.
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Old August 3rd, 2001, 03:06 AM
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Default Re: AI and surrendering

I'm sorry Natsef-Amun... but the SE4 AI behavior to accept/reject surrender, is very predictable and logical. You only need to check the corresponding Politics.txt file!
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Old August 3rd, 2001, 09:53 AM
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Default Re: AI and surrendering

I'm sorry Natsef-Amun... but the SE4 AI behavior to accept/reject surrender, is very predictable and logical. You only need to check the corresponding Politics.txt file!

Does veryon look at the AI files when playing the game? I wouldn't do this, as it givs m (anothr) unfair advantage over the AI - aftr all, he can't look at _my- AI files=-)

BTW, about getting "unsurrendering" enemies to surrender, try this. It might work, it might not:

Blockade each planet and intel it with anarchy Groups until the angry population rebels and the planet splits off from the empire. You can do more to anger the population by winning battles in that system. I could be wrong but I think the newly formed empire might use different AI files to the "parent" empire, and therefore be more susceptible to surrender.

It does seem to be quite difficult to force a rebellion though, I've been blockading a major Crysonlite world for ages, intelling it every month and it still won't split=-(

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Old August 3rd, 2001, 11:41 AM
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Default Re: AI and surrendering

You can modify the AI files, and boost the AI advantage while setting up the game.

Then, set the Ministers to AGGRESSIVE, and see if they surrendar then.

PS, checking the AI files for AI weakness while playing a game is as cheap as using a trainer while playing IP game. Nuff said.

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Old August 3rd, 2001, 11:42 AM
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Default Re: AI and surrendering

One thing I have also noticed is the fact that the AI never demands your surrendar. Why is that?
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Old August 3rd, 2001, 12:12 PM

Atraikius Atraikius is offline
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Default Re: AI and surrendering

Wasn't there a thread a while back discussing AI demanding surrender, and something about the demand surrender/subjugation/protectorship not working?

Like stated earlier - the AI surrendering all depends on how the AI was set up. Some will never surrender, some surrender easily, and at least one will only surrender to allies.
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