Battle recorder
I don't see a wishlist to post this so I'm posting indy.
It would be cool to have an ingame utility to save a battle in a file independant of the rest of the game/turn. That way they can be posted here and be seen for entertaining and amusement.
I remember a dom2 mp battle where 3 air queens attacked some sauromancers and vampire lords of mine along with some illusionists, vampires and devils, about 15 of the both.
One airqueen was casting spells like storm and such. One of my VL casted Rush of strenght. a couple of rounds later the devils and vampires killed the 2 combat queens and the 1 remaining routed. That was way cool.
I have the save but it could be good if I could send just the battle.
" Jefe, le presento a Manuk, el hombre de la sonrisa de hierro "