PBW in the market for some new hardware
Sometime back we moved the PBW server to a new box that had a faster processor, more memory and HD space. The intention at the time was to keep the old server as a backup. However the site has grown to the point now though where we wouldn�t be able to put it back on the old box if we needed to. So I�ve retired the backup server. (Technically I gave it to my wife for her schoolwork, but a 5+ year old machine works for what she needs.)
What I�d like to do now is put together a new server either as a backup to the current server, or to take the place of it in which case the current would become the new backup. We�ve got some cash in the maintenance account, but before I dip into it I thought I�d post a message and see if anyone has any hardware lying around that you might want to donate, or give us a good price on if you can�t give it up for nothing.
What we�ve got now is a 1.9Ghz Pentium 4 with 1GB ram and a 40Gb HDD. If anyone�s got components, or even a whole box for that matter, that they are looking t get rid of let me know.
I used to be somebody but now I am somebody else
Who I'll be tomorrow is anybody's guess