As others I have grown tired on missing LBMs or pictures in some nations. There is also some OOBs that raise some question marks in my attention. Hopefully this can be fixed or answered in the future.
N Korea Obat19 there you can find Armour and SPA artillery under armour. And still find the same SPA artillery under Artillery. SPAA sections you find under armour too, but not under Artillery. Unit 043 M1983 SPAA no LBM, Unit 086 30mm GG AA-Gun No LBM. Also in section Armour and Tanks. The T-80U/T-2002 are unlikely to be used principally as CS tanks If ever fielded. If there are any possibilitys to find out more fact about these tanks when it comes to their ammunition payload I would be grateful.
Iraq Obat17 (Saddam �ra Jan-May 2003) Unit 044 Type 80 (57-2) no LBM. Unit 175 122mm Sddm Pl off-map No LBM. Weapons Team No LBM. I also want to question all experts inside here if anyone more then I did see when the Unmaned ULAV was engaged by a Shilka system in the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom? That ZSU-23-4 Shilka fired a SAM against that ULAV that missed, so I wonder if anyone knows anything about any Iraqi Shilkas been upgraded, like the Russian ZSU-23-4M1 Shilka?
China Obat14 there are some new armour on its way if not allredy fielded by the PLA. Great page to update any knowledge about the PLA and their weaponsystems.
Russia Obat11 Here there are some missing LBMs that would make that Obat even greater. light Helicopter Ka-60 Kasatka.
NVA/Vietnam Obat23 Mechanised Infantry 10 men - Light Infantry 9 men. Two of 5 APCs can make the NVA troops Mechanised. Type YN 531 and M113VN. The three others can only carry the light Infantry Units. BMP-1, BMP-1(-) and K63 APC. Perhaps something to look over?
Ukraine's leading enterprise involved in the development of battle tanks and other tracked and wheeled armoured vehicles, Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau (KMDB) got a great page where all WHAT IF builders can find information about upgrades that you can do with your Obats when building your former obsolite tank forces stronger.