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Old March 30th, 2005, 06:58 AM
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Default A Thank You

I don't know if any of you have said this already but in case you have, I just want to second it. I want to thank Malfador and Shrapnel Games for being there for us. Malfador for listening to what he had to say about Space Empires IV and Shrapnel Games for hosting this forum and for putting up with all of our BS and OT discussions.

VUG (vinvedi Universal Games) - SP - failed to follow the lead set by Malfador and Shrapnel Games. They did not support listen to the people who played Tribes and Tribes 2 and as a result Tribes Vengeance, a game that is bearly six months old, has just been dropped and all support for the game ended.

We tried like hell to warn VUG that using the Unreal Game engine was a mistake and by not addressing the cheating issue before releasing the game would spell doom. But they would not hear our words. They ignored our concernes, and they rebuked our posts by having moderators delete anything that was remotely considered negative about VUG or the game itself.

In the end VUG dropped the flag horribly thus ending the Tribes franchise forever.

I hate you VUG!
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Old March 30th, 2005, 07:16 AM
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vug, vugged - To take something entirely promising and make a mess out of it. Currently becoming a popular phrase amongst gamers. The term comes from the gross mismanagement of a certain games publisher's inability to support anything they do, yet insist on buying out every developer they can get their hooks into.

e.g., The Tribes franchise has been so badly VUGged up that no one will ever touch the property again.
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Old March 30th, 2005, 09:11 AM
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Default Re: A Thank You

Tesco's car wasn't T-boned, it was vugged.

The X-33 program hasn't been cancelled, it has been vugged.

(sorry if I offend people with this) The Twin Towers weren't destroyed, they were vugged.
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Old March 30th, 2005, 09:20 AM

Frederick_d_Ohlmann Frederick_d_Ohlmann is offline
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You don't get the idea. The twin tower were destroyed just for the fun of destroying them ; VUG vugge a game because it want to gain money from the game and spending as little money as possible.

Nike and Total (and a lot of other corporate) vugge the south-asia.
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