Offical Beta Version
New Age Mod (It is self installing. Just direct to SEIV directory)
This is the mod that I planned on basing my story "Once Upon the Stars - A New Age" off of.
The purpose of this mod is to promote the use of Carriers and fighters. The mod is based on real world governments and standard SE IV technology with some custom racial traits and technology. Cultures and racial traits must now be combined to obtain the best use of each. (I hope.)
This is a mod in progress so suggestions are appreciated.
Please Note that Cloaking and gravitational technologies are now racial traits. There is also a new trait for miniturization but I have not yet added all of the components for that trait.
Here is the current working list of changes made for the mod thus far.
Version Beta 0.01
1. Added 4 more levels to sheild Generator.
2. Added Shield Regeneration to Shield Generator VI - IX
3. Added Intel Point Generation to Long Range Scanner I - III
4. Added Research Point Generation to Medical Bay I - V
5. Made Cloaking Technology a Racial Trait (20)
6. Added Cloaking Level IV and V (Cloaking Trait)
7. Added New Technology - Cloak Detection
8. Added Cloak Detector I - II
9. Added Replication (23) to TechArea
10. Changed Quantum Reactor to require Replication Technology Level 3.
11. Added Advanced Propulsion to Tech Area.
12. Added Anti Fighter Missiles I - III (Target only Fighters)
13. Changed Point Defense Cannons I - V now only target Sat, Drones, seekers.
14. Added Fighter PDC I - III. Target other fighters.
15 Added Sm Anti Fighter Missile I - III.
16. Added Radion Beam I - V
17. Changed Made star killing components weapons of mass destruction
18. Added WMD Technology to techArea
19. Added Warp Theory to techArea
20. Changed Warp Point components to Warp Theory
21. Added Pacifist anti - engine missile and beams
22. Added Democratic Advanced Warp Engines (Democratic Trait)
23 Added Warmonger Shipyards I - III (Warmonger Trait)
24. Added Neo - Standard vehicles
25. Added Infantry Technology to techArea
26. Added Infantry weapons to components.
27. Added Graviton Cannon I - V (Gravitational Trait)
28. Changed Gravitational Weapons now require Gravitational Technology 1 (Gravitational Trait)
29. Changed Gravitational Weapons level from 5 to 10 (Gravitational Trait)
30. Added Point Singularity Missile I - V (Gravitational Trait)
31. Added Asteroid Ship - (Cloaking & Toltarian Trait)
32 Added World Ship
33. Added Death Star - (Toltarian Trait)
34. Added Planetary Construction Yard to Facilities for (Democratic, Merchant, and Warmonger Traits)
35. Changed Stellar Manipulation level from 8 to 10
36. Added Monolity Facility IV - X
37. Added Research Generation Point to Medical Lab I - III
38. Added Planetary Governor for all Traits.
39. Added Monster Technology to mod
40. Added 10 more neutral races to mod using Monoliths race pack.
41. Added TDM Race AI's to mod
42 Added Known Neo-Standars Ship sets to mod.
43. Added STM Events to mod
44. Added Sabotage and Espionage to techArea
45. Added Happiness file from STM
46. Added FQM Standard Mod to the mod
47. Added FTL Drive I - V (Component Destroyed on use) 10,11,12,13,14,15 movement
48. Changed Repair Bay I - III Tonnage from 150 to 350 and increased Org and Rad cost
49. Changed Repair Bay I - III Restriction from NONE to One Per Ship
50. Changed Propulsion Tech level from 12 to 17 to accomodate FTL Drive I - V
51. Changed Cost of Propulsion from 5000 to 50000
52. Changed Cost of larger ships to be more expensive.