To build an artifact, you need 4 ingredients.
1. A Lab in the province where the item forgerer resides.
2. Required level of Construction research. Every 2 level of Con. gives you access to more powerful artifacts.
3. Path level requirement of artifact. Your mage must exceed the path requirement to construct them. e.g. The Pocket Ship needs a mage with 3 Nature & 2 Astral to make it. An exception is the case when the Global Enchantment Forge of Ancient is active for your nation, then all your mage are considered 1 level higher in all path when comes to forging only. You can increase the actual path level of your mages by artifacts as well as empowering through gems.
4. Gem/Blood Slave requirement. I.e. the raw materials.
For more information on various possible artifacts and their construction requirements, get Zen's Magic Item Quick Reference v2.8, obtainable at, among other places, Arryn's.
Arryn's Site
File section
MIQR direct link
Hope this helps.
[ March 06, 2004, 08:45: Message edited by: Gateway103 ]