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Old February 3rd, 2004, 11:30 AM

onomastikon onomastikon is offline
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Default Victory by Dominion?

Hello, I would like to increase the role of dominion in the game (or the games I play) a bit more, and so thought instead of any in-game patch changes, maybe I could just try to play in games which have "Victory conditions by Dominion". I wanted to ask you knowledgable people:

- Is there a rule of thumb for the value to be set? At what value, or value per players, would you set it?

What factors should I consider (map size, player count, etc.)?

thank you
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Old February 3rd, 2004, 12:46 PM

Norfleet Norfleet is offline
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Default Re: Victory by Dominion?

The Dominion value is simply the sum of the Dominion strengths of the player in all provinces of the world that he has a positive dominion in.

Therefore, as a rule of thumb, if you want to use victory by Dominion, set it to the value of the number of provinces in the world, times the percentage of the world you reasonably expect the player to hold Dominion in, times a good number for average dominion in a province (8-10 is good).

So, for a map with, say, 200 provinces, of which you would like the winning party to control about 60% of, the value for Dominion victory should be:
200 * 0.6 * 8 = 960.

You can tweak the world percentage and average Dominion strength to your taste. As a general rule, larger maps will tend to favor stronger Dominions, due to more area to build temples in. If you start out with a Dominion of 1 as your base score, and there's only 40 provinces in the map, Dominion 10 just isn't going to happen, whereas with a much larger map, building 45 temples is certainly doable.

And finally, in a victory by Dominion game.....don't play Mictlan, unless you really want to suffer.
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Old February 3rd, 2004, 06:24 PM
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Kristoffer O Kristoffer O is offline
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Default Re: Victory by Dominion?

I believe the value of a given province is 10+dominion giving a range between 11 and 20. It is more important to have a widespread dominion than a high one.
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