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Old January 14th, 2004, 07:13 AM

rabelais rabelais is offline
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Default No underwater income penalty for heat scale?

It used to be that underwater nations could take heat scale without an income hit, at least in the underwater provs... is this still true?

Is there a list of "effects of being under water" (other than very few available spells and drowning for vanilla humans, I mean )


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Old January 14th, 2004, 03:37 PM
Nagot Gick Fel's Avatar

Nagot Gick Fel Nagot Gick Fel is offline
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Default Re: No underwater income penalty for heat scale?

Originally posted by rabelais:
It used to be that underwater nations could take heat scale without an income hit, at least in the underwater provs... is this still true?
Not checked for heat, but there's no income hit underwater for Cold+3, so I assume it's still true.

Is there a list of "effects of being under water" (other than very few available spells and drowning for vanilla humans, I mean )
- Penalties (AP, ATT, DEF) for troops that aren't aquatic or full amphibians.

- Fliers can't fly, but triton can. Stangely aquatic fliers can also fly on dry land (eg, Nerid with Amulet of the Fish).

- No shooting, besides mind bLasts. A few magic bows/crossbows can still be used underwater.

- Strategic movement reduced to 1 for all troops (maybe not applicable to Vastness leaders?).
God does not play dice, He plays Dominions Albert von Ulm
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