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Old December 28th, 2000, 09:44 PM

Bowden Russell Bowden Russell is offline
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Default Strategy Guide? This game is awesome but needs one

Let me state first off that I love this game and I have gotten two people to buy it just on my comments alone. But.....the game needs a strategy guide. There is just **too much** information to sort out and plan with based upon the poor documentation alone or coming to this board.

Perhaps there is a website dedicated to all the technologies and applications? Tactics or strategies?

Thanks for your assistance,

Bowden Russell
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Old December 28th, 2000, 10:40 PM
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Default Re: Strategy Guide? This game is awesome but needs one

Originally posted by Bowden Russell:
Let me state first off that I love this game and I have gotten two people to buy it just on my comments alone. But.....the game needs a strategy guide. There is just **too much** information to sort out and plan with based upon the poor documentation alone or coming to this board.

dude, if you want to compile ideas from playing and from arround the web and slap it into a paperback or even a bit of HTML on CD, I bet you could make a few bucks publishing it through Shrapnel. I dont think anyone would complain either, and this is the perfect place to advertise it. Kick MM some royalties on each copy, and everythings kosher.

theres enough people asking for one, and enough people on these Boards that are putting as much effort into mods and giving advice to others as it would take to make a consumer-ready strat guide.
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Old December 29th, 2000, 01:03 AM

God Emperor God Emperor is offline
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Default Re: Strategy Guide? This game is awesome but needs one

Bowden Russell - agree with you entirely. This game will need an inch thick manual to adequately describe everything. I look forward to it becoming available....
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Old December 29th, 2000, 07:06 AM
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Default Re: Strategy Guide? This game is awesome but needs one

I think I'm going to make an Online strategy guide. I'll have to get going on it.
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Old December 29th, 2000, 07:28 AM
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Default Re: Strategy Guide? This game is awesome but needs one

I must admit, that there is a lot to learn about this game, espically detail things like weapons mounts and such. I had no idea that weapon mounts ment so much to the development of ships that it cost me early on. Now I do. Heck each time I play the game, I learn something new about it. I love it. I absolutely love it.
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Old December 30th, 2000, 10:23 AM

imperishable imperishable is offline
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Default Re: Strategy Guide? This game is awesome but needs one

When you designing a new race to play and you choose home planet type, what do you prefer?

It is clear that the best pick would be Gas Giant home world. That's cause those planets are often huge and large size, and they are just as abundant as other planets.
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Old December 30th, 2000, 11:26 AM

Tomgs Tomgs is offline
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Default Re: Strategy Guide? This game is awesome but needs one

While gas giants do give you an advantage another way to look at it is what isn't out there. A no atmosphere start will give you an additional type of atmosphere to colonize that none of the races in the game "breathe" (unless you are using the neutral race expansion pack you can get from Universal Shipyards). If you go this way I would pick ice worlds because there are a lot of rock colonizing races out there. If you look at it from a research standpoint gas giant is again the way to go because gas giant colonizing races are very rare. You can of course change the atmosphere and starting colonization tech some of the races use to even it out a bit also.

Also if you play in an ancient galaxy there are not as many gas giants so you also have to know the part of the galaxy you are in . I usually avoid ancient galaxies myself because I find the frequent black holes very annoying there. Its tough to find a clear path from point A to point B frequently. In a full tech start that wouldn't be a big hinderance though.

[This message has been edited by Tomgs (edited 30 December 2000).]
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Old December 30th, 2000, 06:44 PM
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Default Re: Strategy Guide? This game is awesome but needs one

Yes Virginia, this game badly needs a strategy guide of some kind. Badly.

Of course, the easiest thing to do would be for someone to go through all these informative Posts and cut and past the really great tips here from you SE3 & SE4 elite into a document. From there it would be fairly easy to organize, consolidate and publish it as a SE4 Strategy FAQ.

I've done this cut and paste on a very minor scale for my buddy who is just starting out (as I am) in the brave new universe of SE gaming and needs some tips.

What say? Any takers? I don't know enough yet about the game to accurately represent valid strategies or organize it very well (just on my very first game).
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Old December 30th, 2000, 10:56 PM

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Default Re: Strategy Guide? This game is awesome but needs one

There is a fan made one in the works at HyperionBase.com and soon one at the SE4 Compedium that is presently under construction.
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