I don't think #1 is possible. Sorry.
The only way to really help is to fire on the planet to remove weapons platforms before landing troops--your troop transports tend to have a longer lifespan when not under fire.
For #2, you could mod your 400kt fighters, then mod all weapons to fire on fighters (the latest patch made that a lot easier), then add a defensive bonus to regular fighters (to keep weapons like massive-mounted IBs from mowing down thousands of fighters at a time).
Since fighters already are cannon fodder, the extra defensive bonus wouldn't hurt. There (unfortunately) isn't any way to implement true system ships--it was planned from the beginning, judging by the data files, but never made it in. There's always SEV, though.
The Unpronounceable Krsqk
"Well, sir, at the moment my left processor doesn't know what my right is doing." -