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Old November 2nd, 2003, 09:15 AM
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Default Have You Been Taken?

Add another normal word to the "privately owned" word list. Taken was an ok mini-series with some nice writing combined with ok acting.

It was insightful in many ways, and I enjoy watching it over the weekend on DVD. I can see why it won the emmy.

Given the story of the mini-series, I began to wonder if I had ever been taken. Errr, not likely, for what would a bunch of non-exsistant grey skinned aliens want with a guy like me.

I will say that I have seen lights, simular to those shown on the mini-series and by eye witness accounts. It was in the middle of September, on a friday night, over Portland Oregon. None of us knew what we were looking at, and someone joked that it was UFO's. We all laughed and went back to what we were doing. But we all wondered. I say no way, it was most likely a refection of street lamps off of three passing segal flocks on their way to the coast after getting their fill at the local dump.

I do not believe these people who claim they have been taken by aliens nor do I believe that our government has a UFO or alien bodies. Our governements abiltiy to keep such things hidden or secret is simply non exsistant much like the reports of Hanger 18 and the alien soucer housed there.

Oh sure I can be, and most likely will be, call ignorant and closed minded, but the fact remains that there is no physical proof that aliens exsist past the testimony of mentally questionable individuals who all seem to live out in the middle of no where and all believe in ghosts and brother sister marrages.

Ok ok, that was a bit cold blooded and out of line, but never the less the truth remains that these hill billies, and close family - I mean - friends seem to be the only people reporting to have seen UFO's. (Oddly enough they all live near an Air Force base or wheather balloon launching facility.)

Simply put, Earth has never been visited by Aliens, there are no Aliens living amoungst us, and no human has ever been taken by aliens. I know this because the Aliens told me so.
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Old November 2nd, 2003, 12:14 PM
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Default Re: Have You Been Taken?

Originally posted by Atrocities:
I do not believe these people who claim they have been taken by aliens nor do I believe that our government has a UFO or alien bodies. Our governements abiltiy to keep such things hidden or secret is simply non exsistant much like the reports of Hanger 18 and the alien soucer housed there.
I can vouch for that. After having lived in and around DC for almost 12 years now, I can honestly say that the Federal Govt resembles, not so much the Syndicate in the X-Files, but the anonymous corporation where Dilbert works.
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Old November 2nd, 2003, 03:47 PM
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Default Re: Have You Been Taken?

Originally posted by tesco samoa:
i always liked the concept that an alien society would master interstellar travel just to scare a few people here and there on Sol. Unfortantly I do not believe that were that important.
"Unfortunately I got stuck on the Earth for rather longer than I intended," said Ford. "I came for a week and got stuck for fifteen years."

"But how did you get there in the first place then?"

"Easy, I got a lift with a teaser."

"A teaser?"


"Er, what is ..."

"A teaser? Teasers are usually rich kids with nothing to do. They cruise around looking for planets which haven't made interstellar contact yet and buzz them."

"Buzz them?" Arthur began to feel that Ford was enjoying making life difficult for him.

"Yeah", said Ford, "they buzz them. They find some isolated spot with very few people around, then land right by some poor soul whom no one's ever going to believe and then strut up and down in front of him wearing silly antennae on their heads and making beep beep noises. Rather childish really."
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
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Old November 2nd, 2003, 04:33 PM
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Default Re: Have You Been Taken?

Originally posted by General Woundwort:
I can vouch for that. After having lived in and around DC for almost 12 years now, I can honestly say that the Federal Govt resembles, not so much the Syndicate in the X-Files, but the anonymous corporation where Dilbert works. [/QB]
Thats all part of the conspiration. They are so brilliant that they are able to make up a perfect display of on utterly incompetent government just to hide the fact that they indeed are competent enough to hide all these aliens without anyone else knowing.

[ November 02, 2003, 14:34: Message edited by: Roanon ]
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Old November 2nd, 2003, 05:00 PM

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Default Re: Have You Been Taken?

Yah. There is no way the government can keep stuff secret. It's not like they had a stealth aircraft for many years that was manufactured in the middle of a populous area and then transported to a military base for testing and none of the public knew about it. It's not like we had a secret project to develop the ultimate bomb in a place that according to all the maps of the time didn't exist and most people knew nothing about it until the bomb was dropped on an enemy and ended the largest military conflict in history.

Of course the government can't keep secrets. Never has, never will.

I mean it isn't like there was an airforce base in the middle of a desert that the government disavowed all knowledge of until the mid 1990's and only then because several workers there were dying due to exposure to unknown toxic materials that the doctors said they couldn't treat unless they knew what they had been exposed to. The government then didn't just refuse to tell them so the workers took them to court to find out but the president signed Presidential Determination No. 95-45 LINK to end it.

PS: I don't believe in the UFO's either but I am willing to accept it MIGHT be true. I'm not going to try and psycho analyze extraterrestrials and their reasons. As for government secrets... don't be naive. The government keeps secrets left and right from the populace at large and always has. For the greater good of the nation or some such.

EDIT: Hit post instead of URL button.

[ November 02, 2003, 15:03: Message edited by: Cyrien ]
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Old November 2nd, 2003, 05:10 PM
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Default Re: Have You Been Taken?

Originally posted by Roanon:
Thats all part of the conspiration. They are so brilliant that they are able to make up a perfect display of on utterly incompetent government just to hide the fact that they indeed are competent enough to hide all these aliens without anyone else knowing.
Uh HUH. Well, maybe that's how the conspirators started it off, but I assure you that the pointy-haired inmates have long since taken over the asylum.
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Old November 2nd, 2003, 07:39 PM
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Default Re: Have You Been Taken?

Ummm, the government is not one big entity. It is made of numerous smaller parts. While some parts are partially or wholly inept, many are quite good at what they do.

I agree, I don't think roswell was an alien spacecraft crash. However, the fact that there is still so much contraversy shows just how capable the government can be. No doubt it was just a secret government project that they of course couldn't let the populace on to, so when people come asking what crashed, they tell some schmuck just to make something up. Well, he tells em it is an alien spacecraft. Of course, everybody realises how stupid that statement is, and tells him to change it to something else. So now it becomes a weather balloon. Of course, this arouses suspicion and suddenly, you have a whole populous focused on a conspiracy. The government uses this, placing a few pieces of key evidence, and maybe even "leaking" false information, and suddenly, you've got a conspiracy that is keeping people focused on something that amounts to nothing.

It's really quite genious.
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Old November 2nd, 2003, 10:25 PM
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Default Re: Have You Been Taken?

The sad part about these fanatics is that even after you prove that it was a hoax, they will still believe that it was real. Case in point, big foot. The guy who made the origial sighting and movie of big foot, came clean and proved it was all a hoax yet we still have one or two absolute dumbass fanatics saying they have seen big foot and that the legend is true. What legend? It was a hoax you morons! It was fricking joke, and I laugh at how dumb asses who still try and make it like it was not They really are dumb. To be mean, I will add that they are fools who bought into a lie and are to stubern to admit they have been had so they opt to look like morons to save face.

Remember the contaminated Pepsi or coke cans that had needles in them? Remember how all of these people came out and said they had found cans with needles and were all on the news? And then it turned out it was only one can done up by a sick person and the rest were copy cats with lots and lots of egg on their faces.

Tall tale tellers, liers, and just plane uninformed people repeating some hald baked story they once heard make me sick. I want proof, facts, not "I saw bigfoot and an alien UFO" but I hae no proof. Tis better to keep ones mouth shut and avoid the ridicule then open it and be ridiculed.

[ November 02, 2003, 20:29: Message edited by: Atrocities ]
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Old November 3rd, 2003, 01:09 AM
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Default Re: Have You Been Taken?

Thing is with alien visitors is that it requires uncanny good luck on the alien's part. How would they know to pick our little dirtball over the potentially thousands of other planets? You could claim that we've been emitting radio and such, but that travels at the speed of light. The expanses of space being quite, well, tremendously huge, makes it even more improbable. Again, the amount of distance between us and any other sentient life would work against them. They would have to travel for hundreds of years depending on their speed (I assume that the speed of light cannot be broken). I think we are going to be alone for a while.
When a cat is dropped, it always lands on its feet, and when toast is dropped, it always lands with the buttered side facing down. I propose to strap buttered toast to the back of a cat. The two will hover, spinning inches above the ground. With a giant buttered cat array, a high-speed monorail could easily link New York with Chicago.
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Old November 3rd, 2003, 02:55 AM

tesco samoa tesco samoa is offline
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Default Re: Have You Been Taken?

i always liked the concept that an alien society would master interstellar travel just to scare a few people here and there on Sol. Unfortantly I do not believe that were that important.
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Hey GUTB where did you go...???

He is still driving his mighty armada at 3 miles per month along the interstellar highway bypass and will be arriving shortly
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