I guess one rule begets another....
I have had a number of people query me on if this is OK or that is OK, and most are pretty obvious answers.
But I HAVE had a couple of questions that really did take me by surprise as I thought I had this 7 nap rule thing down (best laid plans etc)
You stealth Nations...you can NOT enter, go thru, or sit in any one's Provinces (including ANY around the Capitols) before the 8th turn. In other words you can't prepare to attack a nation and be in his lands waiting for the word GO...
The question "What if they do that and just wait till turn 9 and THEN attack". Well, we have 18 people, some will be honorable, some won't, I can't enforce things I can't see or know. We just have to depend on each player to play it straight.
This came up also (although its a little early and don't think it will matter i will address it), NORMAL scouts are OK to enter ANYONES lands before turn 8. However, Nothing that can cause harm or detriment to a nation either THEN or before turn 8 can enter.
I think that about covers it....