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Old March 22nd, 2007, 04:36 PM

Xietor Xietor is offline
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Default Re: Could u stop Gorgon?

As to the suggestion that he should have had one of his mages cast a spell that cost gems, sometimes when you fight 3-4 fights to get to a key battle, you mages have wasted all of the gems you give them.

Say you want a nature mage to cast mass protection, but no other spell that used gems. Unless there is a command i do not know of, typically the mage will waste all of the gems he has casting spells like swarm etc.

I guess one answer could be to give nature games to another commander, and ration the gems to a nature spellcaster, but if you hate micro managing, then that would be a pain.
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 04:38 PM
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Default Re: Could u stop Gorgon?

Keeping gems on a scout is a good idea.
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Old March 22nd, 2007, 04:45 PM

Xietor Xietor is offline
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Default Re: Could u stop Gorgon?

It would be nice if a mage would only use gems to cast if you script that spell to be cast. Would save a good bit of hassle.
"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula."
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Old March 25th, 2007, 10:45 AM

TirAsleen TirAsleen is offline
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Default Re: Could u stop Gorgon?

60 avalon knights can handle her. If man manage to have gift of health active and not panagea so gorgon has no additonal hp she can quickly die against mulitple good units. Or maybe just units with good att and damage with good res lots of AP and blessed with an astral bless plus anti magic spell affecting whole battlefied. Should deal with the situation too. Problem is, she has always a good chance to escape as flyer.

I played a Gorgon yesterday and a friend just had 20 avalon knights and like 100 longbows attacked with single gorgon and dominionI in that province(positive for me) she killed all avalon knights and she managed to fly away with just 1hp left, surprisingly she was even wounded with air shield, mistform, invulneriblity, mirror image, personal regeneration up, and longbowmen did the damage not avalon knights, they quickly died, however in another testgame 60 of them could kill her. Probably anything with good stats and magic res and flying can kill her too.
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Old March 27th, 2007, 02:30 PM

Valandil Valandil is offline
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Default Re: Could u stop Gorgon?

It seems to me that some of the posts in this thread assume conditions that are rather... unlikely.

Touting the strength of a unit that requires, for example, two globals, seven items, the aegis, four uniques, or somesuch seems to me not unlike me declaring that my triple power wished gift of reasoned S9 abomination prophet of DOOM (tm) is overpowered.

Perhaps if we limited the tests to say, magic level four, we would get more applicable results.

However, in the spirit of the thread, I propose this counter:

The gorgon costs: ember (20), barrier shield (20), lightning helm (20), silver hauberk (15?), boots of antaeus (15), krupp's bracers (10), ring of regeneration (10).
Gift of Health (probably about 60 to keep it for a few turns) Haunted forest (maybe 100).

That is.... 270 gems.

I propose...
let's see... If I take an S9 A3 D4 destroyer of worlds, and I power wish, and I give it Mage Bane, Aegis, The Summit, Barrier, Amon Hotep, Robe of Callius, Boots of Quickness, and the Heart of Life... Script to Soul Vortex, Body Ethereal, Personal Luck, Mirror Image, Mistform, Astral Shield, Attack.

The Gorgon Dies!

(note: Do not take the above seriously. I realize that the globals can hardly be counted in the price of the Gorgon. And she probably doesn't need all those artifacts.)
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Old March 27th, 2007, 03:26 PM

TirAsleen TirAsleen is offline
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Default Re: Could u stop Gorgon?

...You know that construction8(or just6) is WAY easier to come by than alteration9 AND conjuration9??? And 1 wish 100 Astral Pearls? If you have all that i'd say start a new game, i wouldn't play it.
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