Originally Posted by Calchet
I'd suggest thunderers or perhaps a scaled-down organ gun, firing runic lightning or something instead of bullets to keep within the NO GUNPOWDERS restriction. (...though it may well risk getting too skaven-y.)
That's genius. It:
1) fits the paths
2) is a wordplay refering to the miniatures
3) synergizes with my intention of making Engineers master marksmen
4) I already have a pretty wicked idea for their graphic.
Overall I can fit "Thunderers" with lighting guns in pretty well.
Originally Posted by Jack_Trowell
I suppose it could be almost
Yeah, there are many ways to almost do it. But your idea about using form mechanic gave me an idea. Does anyone know how the unit from pretty new Jomon mountain summon works? IIRC, I think he had a sort of mountainshape. I could overwrite him with the Runelord to create a sort of "half solution".
I also updated the first post with the current changes.