
January 21st, 2004, 04:45 AM
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Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
In the second month of The Ascension Wars the newly acquired mammoths started getting sick and that's when Hgne's trick came out. So it was decided to send elephants immediately in a search of warmer lands with a mission to recruite new subjects for the Queen Fyllia. The path was hard and broken and it was a long while until the group has arrived in the valley high in the mountains. There they witnessed the horrible picture of a band of undead terrifying the small local village. In the glorious battle Jotun army triumphed over the undead and all 520 grateful villagers decided to subject themselves to the rule of Queen Fyllia. Thus, the quest for glory has begun.

January 21st, 2004, 08:07 PM
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Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
Word travels fast among practitioners of the Arcane. When Yu-huang let it be known that he would open the Heavenly Gate so that adepts of barbarian race might learn the Way, the response was so quick that it could only be called magical. Obscuro, the Hidden Master, revealed himself before the Gate, and was admitted. Soon an old man alone upon a donkey was seen riding toward the Celestial City. This proved to be none other than Dagan, the Renegade Sage. From what land he had come he would not say, but he too sought admittance to the Heavenly Gate, and it was granted. He came not only to learn, but also to teach. Woe to those who would challenge the ascendency of Yu-huang, for the lore of T'ien C'hi grows by the day, and they shall meet adepts of power, that will scatter their armies like chaff in the wind!

January 21st, 2004, 09:04 PM
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Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
Lo, the Legions of the Deep marched forth under the glorious command of our most holy Coral Queen, who henceforth is to be known as the First General & Prophetous Victor of the Second Reign of Chungaat's Dominance! The heathen tritons clung to their false ways and were made to submit. The dead on both sides will be honored as the first of many sad yet necessary sacrifices, and their children will salute them as martyrs. Such is the kindness of Chungaat's wisdom.
Great indebtedness does not make men grateful, but vengeful; and if a little charity is not forgotten, it turns into a gnawing worm.

January 21st, 2004, 09:36 PM
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Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
In the first weeks of His reign Commander of Truth surveyed the spreading of His worship with joy. Inhabitants of provinces all around the great city of Arcoscephale began worshipping Him and even the land reformed to His image. Yet there was a place nearby whose inhabitants hadn't seen the light. This must not be, decided Kasadye and set forth to enlighten the inhabitants of Kratas about the True God To Be.
Unlike others claiming the divine throne, Kasadye did not hide behind tall walls or in ancient forges. He was in the spearhead of the first of Arcoscephaelian conquests, and the world trembled before His might. As soon as the people of Kratas saw His true might they became one of the most fervent followers of the Teacher of Philosophy.
And the glorious victory was not left unnoticed by the world as a whole. Now Kasadye stands grandest among leaders of any fame and people inspired by His example flock to fight for Arcoscephale. One of the most noteworthy of these is Anthromachus the Hero, whose previous deeds are known thorought the land.
The first signs of foreign pretenders are seen, an omnious dominion spreading in the northern lands. As it is, the newly appointed prophet-priestess Anemoreia was assigned a squad of warriors and sent to investigare whether the nearby pretender was a dire threat.

January 21st, 2004, 09:47 PM
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Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
It should be noted in the Annals of Time that Pug was not, perhaps, the most intelligent of the Pretenders to arise during the Ascention Wars. After forging his great sword Shard, Pug left the forge to claim the fealty of nearby lands. It wasn't until the battle lines were drawn that Pug realized he had left Shard in the forge... 
He either fears his fate too much, Or his deserts are small,
That dares not put it to the touch To gain or lose it all
~James Graham

January 22nd, 2004, 02:01 AM
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
The Beginning of the Scouring (Part 2)
"Thus it was that in his ire Zenophon rose and left his citadel. The trickle of power flowing in the land did little to sate his thirst and he went abroad. The land cried out under his step and where his hand touched the earth bled. Far and wide did his travels take him.
Land after land he traveled. Behind him a mound of dead rose and his grip strengthened. Men, women and children fled his coming and his wrath was great as that power evaded him. Servants clothed in black found and spoke secret whispers within his ears of the natives that surrounded these lands. Many things did they speak and Zenophon grew pensive.
"Perhaps these others, these pretenders know of the land and it's places of power"
And so Messages were given, tied to the ribs of loyal couriers and delivered were his inquiries. Much was learned and it was in a land of pure and plenty that Zenophon recieved word of Suleiman. The loyal Judge had as directed marched on the lands surrounding the Black Citadel and too, found nothing of this power his Emperor had so desired. Plague followed each step of the evergrowing legion and captured painbearers spoke softly of the land and sea surrounding.
Ever watching the eyes of the Underworld turned towards Zenophon. Memories stirred and some wished to taste the power of the past with time unchained and canted the long oaths of loyalty and Zenophon was pleased."

January 22nd, 2004, 03:52 AM
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Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
Dom2 server doesn't seem to respond  Ping is working though.

January 22nd, 2004, 05:09 AM
Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
I sent an Email regarding it  It is back up and fully functioning, and I'm still at a loss about some of the issues ;/ Oh well.

January 22nd, 2004, 12:27 PM
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Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
hhehe... your reports describe an interesting game in its early turns. please keep them coming
Q: do you play 1 turn a day or what?
Q2: whens the next game =)

January 22nd, 2004, 07:51 PM
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Re: [MP Game] The Eye of Chaos
Mardagg,the allmighty leader of the daemonic Abysian Nation,was not surprised as the news from the southern border reached him.
The first neighbour has been discovered,an official border has been established by the other pretender.
Rumors of a small but very strong army,lead by a powerful pretender,spread throughout the nation.
The people of Abysia only showed respect to the fiercest and strongest warriors.And this being the reason why Mardagg became their leader,the inhabitants now also showed respect to their new neighbour.
Therefore peace was an option,as long as the friend/enemy/neutral neigbour
would not dare to expand further to the north or,even worse,to the northwest.
The first bunch of provinces had been taken without a single loss,the military strength as well as the economy could be considered as very good,therefore Abysia would also be ready for war,if forced to.
**to my new neigbour:
my email is the one from AOL.
I would be very happy to get a mail from you,before its too late for diplomacy 
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