Top job with the mod!
I would explain the difference by imagining a game of tennis. Playing with Stock SEV is like playing the people on the local 4pm bus using ping-pong bats, cricket bats and tennis rackets. Playing with the Balance mod is like playing the local C-grade team using good tennis rackets - quite a lot more fun.
I guess you could also say the court will be one of the best in the world once the bugs under it which keep making holes are exterminated...
I sent some problems (below) I noticed playing the Balance Mod 1.01 with SEV 1.20 & sent to
[email protected] (att), but some may be caused by the mod - haven't heard back yet.
Loading hides system objects (png & save att) Loading a game showing the same system hides all system objects. Moving the view to another system then back fixes this, but if you have only explored one system you need to restart the app.
Load Game - Game Info - Mod text not moved with window (png att) Saw this making a screen shot for the one above.
Combat icons in main view after new or load game from combat (png att) Requires app restart to fix.
Empire names wrong in treaties. It shows mostly blank and sometimes another empire where it should show mine. I was setting (trying to) treaties to get other races to migrate to my planets, but they never did. See Liniha counter treaty - migration options screwed.gam or Empire name not displayed in treaty with some empires 1& 2.PNG
Treaty migration not working - probably caused by the empire names thing.
Col. status icon - pop bar showing past limit (save & png att) Here, a planet has 8000 out of 2000 population, and the pop bar icon goes over the top. This game I wanted to check out alliances but gave up after so many strange things like this made dealing with the other players pointless.
Can not accept a countered alliance like you can with a treaty. Saw this in the same game as the Col. status icon problem above.
Ships move very slowly when showing long movement lines. I noticed this with a ship with repeat orders picking up troops which took 5+ turns. With very fast icon movement settings, there is an extra delay of 1+ second between moving a single sector when showing movement lines.
Can't upgrade, retrofit, mothball etc. ships in a fleet.
Can't upgrade, retrofit yada yada with multiple ships selected.