New listing of acronyms!
Mostly in the Fun Stuff!
Andre, I haven't forgotten about you and your listing of the "SS's"
AI = Artificial Intelligence, Computer Player
APB = Anti-Proton Beam, Weapon
APLU = After Last Player Upload
AS = Allegiance Subverter, Weapon
B = Bridge, Component
BA = Baseship, Hull
BB = Battleship, Hull
BC = BattleCrusier, Hull
BS = Battle Station, Hull
CA = Crystalline Armor, Component
CC = Cruiser, Hull
CL = Colony Ship, Hull
CQ = Crew Quarters, Component
CR = Cruiser, Hull
CSM = Capital Ship Missile, Weapon
CX = Carrier, Hull (or CV)
CV = Computer Virus, Weapon
DS = Destroyer, Hull (or DD)
DN = Dreadnaught, Hull
DUC = Depleted Uranium Cannon, Weapon
ES = Escort, Hull
FG = Frigate, Hull (or FF)
FL = Large Fighter, Hull
FM = Medium Fighter, Hull
FS = Small Fighter, Hull
HW = Homeworld, Planet type
HX = Heavy Carrier, Hull
LC = Light Cruiser, Hull
LM = Large Mines, Hull
LS = Life Support, Component
LT = Large Transport, Hull
LX = Light Carrier, Hull
MB = Meson BLaster, Weapon
MC = Master Computer, Component
MM = Malfador Machinations, Creator of SE4
MM = Medium Mines, Hull
MT = Medium Transport, Hull
NSP = Null-Space Projector, Weapon
OA = Organic Armour, Component
PBEM = Play By Email
PBW = Play By Web, Game Mode
PDC = Point Defense Cannon, Weapon
PPB = Phased-Polaron Beam, Weapon
QR = Quantum Reactor, Component
RL = Large Drone, Hull
RM = Medium Drone, Hull
RS = Small Drone, Hull
RW = Ringworld, Hull
SB = Starbase, Hull
SDD = Self-Destruct Device, Weapon
SL = Large Satellite, Hull
SM = Medium Satellite, Hull
SM = Small Mines, Hull
SS = Small Satellite, Hull
SS = Space Station, Hull
ST = Small Transport, Hull
SW = Sphereworld, Hull
SY = Space Yard, Facility
TDB = Time Distortion Burst, Weapon
TL = Large Troops, Hull
TM = Medium Troops, Hull
TS = Small Troops, Hull
vsAI = Solo Game vs Computer, Game Mode
WL = Large Weapon Platform, Hull
WM = Medium Weapon Platform, Hull
WMG = Wave-Motion Gun, Weapon
WP = Warp Point, Location,
WP = Weapon Platform, Hull
WS = Small Weapon Platform, Hull
BOHICA = Bend Over, Here It Comes Again
BTW = By The Way
DNM = Devnull Mod
FQM = Fyron's Quadrant Mod
IIRC = If I Remember Correctly
IMHO = In MY Humble Opinion
IMO = In My Opinion
MEE = Mega Evil Empire
OT = Off topic
P&N = Pirates & Nomads mod
QNP = Quasi-Newtonian Propulsion
ST = Star Trek
SW = Star Wars
TDM = Tamper-Gamer-Daynar-Mephisto mod