I've been meaning to start a game for a while, and here it is!
Age: MA
Map:Six Lands (
Mods: CBM 1.41
Experience: Any
Settings: Renaming on, sites 50, otherwise default
Victory: Hold 4/6 Capitals
Other Rules: Land nations only. Ashdod is not allowed since I feel it is currently disproportionately powerful. Diplomacy is normal - breaking NAPs is frowned upon but not banned; trades are to be honoured.
Hosting: Llamaserver; 24h quickhost for as long as possible.
Note: Extensions will not be granted for the first 20 turns. I want this to be a fast moving game. Please do not sign up if you will not be able to stick to 24h hosting for at least 20.
The idea of this game is a small, fast moving quasi blitz, which should hopefully provide a fun experience for all involved!
Players signed up:
Cicadian - Shinuyama
Lavaere - Man
kenotur - Abysia
Mithras - Pythium
sansanjuan - Jotunheim
Shuma - Tien Chi