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Old July 24th, 2004, 10:36 PM

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Default Re: Players wanted for PBW PvK Proportions Game #1

Good news alarikf.

As it is, I will not be able to commit - looks like some much needed OT coming up at work.

[ July 24, 2004, 21:39: Message edited by: JLS ]
>~~~~~~AI CAMPAIGN -NEW-v4.191a AIC ~~~~~~<

Optimized for[i] Solitaire Play!
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Old July 25th, 2004, 07:59 AM
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Default Re: Players wanted for PBW PvK Proportions Game #1

JLS: Ok, thanks for the note. You're of course welcome any time there is a spot.

Ah, yes, thanks Alarik!

One of them chose the Chryslonites though, who have now entirely left or been absorbed. I wrote the player a list of the remaining choices, which I'll copy here, just because I have the text, and someone else might be interested in the current state:

The remaining choices are:

The Space Vikings, who were perhaps the most powerful empire until recently, when their economy collapsed under the expense of their extremely formidable but very expensive fleet, and raids from the Draconians and Human Confederation. They still have their homeworld and the one they captured from the Kobaians, and various colonies, outPosts, and a large fleet including perhaps 40 first-rate battlecruisers... which they can't afford to operate. But then, most nations don't _have_ 40 battlecruisers, so it's an intersting problem, and a tough one until you learn Proportions economics and design.

The Enlightened Plague also used to be strong and have widespread central possessions, but have had a lot more and longer chaos and abuse than the Vikings have. However I don't think they're actively threatened, so they are probably in a good position to form new alliances and rebuild.

The People's Empire of Night is perhaps a reasonable choice too. They're fairly small and not really at war, and the Last player said he didn't think he could do much with them due to economic weakness, but I think maybe that player mainly hadn't figured out what can be done and how to do it etc in Proportions.

If those don't sound wrecked enough, there is the really bare-bones choice of the Kobaians, who currently have next to nothing, but are perhaps in 10-20 turns about to get back their homeworld, unless the Vikings get a new and competant player soon, or something else goes wrong with the Draconian / Human Confederation liberation operation. (Edit: PS: The Kobaian shipset is not displayed on PBW. It is the stock Terran (human) shipset.)


[ July 25, 2004, 07:02: Message edited by: PvK ]
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Old July 25th, 2004, 08:37 AM
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Default Re: Players wanted for PBW PvK Proportions Game #1

so PvK, how about you setup a new small proportions game ?
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Old July 26th, 2004, 05:57 PM
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Default Re: Players wanted for PBW PvK Proportions Game #1

Ok, I'll start a new thread for that...

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Old September 5th, 2004, 11:14 PM

Hippocrates Hippocrates is offline
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Default Re: Players wanted for PBW PvK Proportions Game #1

One powerful spot is still open in this game - the Space Vikings. The Vikings still have a powerful fleet of close to 30 ultra modern BC's and hold two Homeworlds - a major advantage in a Proportions game.

On this latest turn the Vikings AI demonstrated just how dangerous a Homeworld assault can be in Proportions and destroyed almost 40 invading ships (taking grave losses to their own defensive fleet, however). Meanwhile, their Primary Homeworld is well defended by BC's, and is in a position to strike back at the Human Confederation forces which have appeared in their back yard.

I'll be honest, the Space Viking position is challenging. However, the empire remains strong and is in an EXCELLENT position to counter-attack for the moment. A human player would really liven things up, and through diplomacy (the Vikings have several allies) might polarize a currently sleepy galaxy. It would be great to see someone take back the Viking's helm.

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Old September 6th, 2004, 04:55 PM
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Default Re: Players wanted for PBW PvK Proportions Game #1

Agreed. The main trick may be balancing their budget, and developing new sources of income. They can't afford to maintain their entire fleet, so much of it is mothballed... but an influx of resources (from several possible sources I can think of) and careful play could really turn the situation around.

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Old September 15th, 2004, 10:44 PM

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Default Re: Players wanted for PBW PvK Proportions Game #1

Ok, so the Proportions #3 game has already slowed down and it's only the fifth turn. Is this a temporary situation? If not, what are the options for speeding things up on a regular basis?

Just wondering...


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Old September 15th, 2004, 11:47 PM
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Default Re: Players wanted for PBW PvK Proportions Game #1

Edit: Heh. The new forum system started me in the middle of the thread for some reason, so I responded to an old post as if it were the new one.

I hear the delay in game #3 may be due to a particular player being slow. I know that one player was slow to get started. If everyone in the game wants, I can change the hosting settings.

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Old September 16th, 2004, 12:17 AM

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Default Re: Players wanted for PBW PvK Proportions Game #1

Well, I don;t want to be a jerk, I just wanted to bring it up. I mean, if it is going to be a regular slowdown, maybe we should switch settings, but, otherwise, if temporary, hey, everyone has busy weeks, I certainly do and expect to in the future be able to ask for forbearance and understanding....

PvK said:
Edit: Heh. The new forum system started me in the middle of the thread for some reason, so I responded to an old post as if it were the new one.

I hear the delay in game #3 may be due to a particular player being slow. I know that one player was slow to get started. If everyone in the game wants, I can change the hosting settings.

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Old September 16th, 2004, 12:05 PM
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Default Re: Players wanted for PBW PvK Proportions Game #1

Understood. It's good to bring delays to my attention, since I'm the game owner and am not playing in the game, and I get really busy too (like my Last several weeks... or maybe whole year...), so I likely won't notice if something goes wrong in game #3, unless someone mentions it to me!

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