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Old May 4th, 2008, 01:34 PM
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Default Re: German Motorcycles and their Units

We started to look at the way Bicycle infantry is handled in the game after all the other work had been done but there were code and scenario issues that would have involved extensive testing that would have either delayed the release or forced us to rush testing neither of which we were willing to do so that is a change that will have to wait.


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Old May 5th, 2008, 01:38 AM
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Default Re: German Motorcycles and their Units

Hope to give the new mod a test under combat soon!
Eternal War(gaming) PanzerBob

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Old May 6th, 2008, 06:23 AM

Shan Shan is offline
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Default Re: German Motorcycles and their Units

I'm already happy with the new Kradschuetzen model, I never tried the bicycle infantry but I suppose currently they are fast but must be very vulnerable due to having size=2, just like cavalry. If you go the same way as with the motorcycle units and give them bicycle transports, this would do the trick, but concerning their movement rating I wonder if a satisfactory solution can be found - better just leave them as normal infantery but maybe reduced to size=1 and retain the higher movement rating.
For cavalry, I usually use a combination of cavalry transports, loaded with normal infantry just like in the case of my Krad infantry, plus a few permanently-mounted cav scouts, the type of guys who never leave their saddle, not even for eating, peeing or sleeping ;-).
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Old May 13th, 2008, 07:22 PM
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Default Re: German Motorcycles and their Units

I must say I too am pleased with the new Kradschuetzen units. Much better and useable than the idea I had come up with. I've blooded them in combat and they seem to behave much like I would image them to. I even have one unit which has worked it's way back into my enemy's rear area and taken out several 5.5in Guns, wish I could say the rest of the battle is going that well, but It's not over yet, (it's a PBEM campaign). Mounting and dismounting their MC's is nice and seamless and I like the fact the drivers are armed too. This is something my idea had missed altogether. All and all I now find them a much more useful addition to my KG�s

Hope you don�t tire of hearing this but another job well done BZ!!!!!
Eternal War(gaming) PanzerBob

"Whenever in future wars the battle is fought, panzer troops will play the decisive role..."
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