Growing concern - but optimistic
I have to say that in catching up on all of the postings on SEV I have a growing concern about it.
Oh, I'll probably still purchase it, but it may stay uninstalled until I see how people are reacting to it.
I'll purchase it to support Malfador, but if there are major issues being reported I won't play it (and become frustrated) until they are addressed.
I would like to see a sort of comprehensive review by one of the "lifers" that doesn't run the risk of dying the "death of a thousand qualifications".
I play mostly single-player. Multiplayer sounds good to me, but my work schedule always seems to torpedo my attemps, sooner or later.
I confidently plopped down my reservation money, and barring a real show-stopper being reported I will buy the game (to support the effort - I do this farily often) - but I would have to honestly say that it is shifting from a "gotta install it and play right now" to a "I'll get it and hold off installing until I seem how it goes."
I don't want to get a bad-tase in my mouth from the get-go. So we will see.