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Old June 18th, 2004, 08:36 AM
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Default Re: How would you patch this game?

Too bad we can't gather the statistics ingame. If we could, I would arrange a gameseries with auction-style prices: If a unit/pretender is used, the price goes up. Otherwise, the price falls slightly. That'd be a laugh!

The 2nd game would be all-free light infantry ;-)
"It makes you wonder if there is anything to astrology after all. "Oh, there is," said Susan, "Delusion, wishful thinking and gullibility." (T. Pratchett)
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Old June 18th, 2004, 09:09 AM

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Default Re: How would you patch this game?

There's nothing wrong with GA Arco as an MP race. I've played them and was rather satisfied with the results. There are a few nagging issues of everything about them being capitol only, but they're far from unplayably bad.
Since we've basicly hijacked this thread, I'm going to start a new one on GA: Arco. Se yall there
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Old June 18th, 2004, 02:52 PM

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Default Re: How would you patch this game?

Originally posted by Zapmeister:
What I had in mind was a survey, in which each spell, troop, item and pretender was listed, and beside each one there are 6 responses to the question "How often do you make one of these", being

1) Never
2) Rarely
3) Sometimes
4) Often
5) Very often
6) N/A

The "N/A" would apply to things like Abyssian troops types if you never play Abysia.
This is a good judge as to what is popular. As others have said, you need a little more to gather 'effectiveness'. A question such as, "How useful is this survey item when you do use it?" might help with situational issues such as the one Norfleet addresses.

I think that if enough people took the time to complete such a survey (and it would be time-consuming, unfortunately) then a fairly objective answer could be obtained.
Well, it would be quantified subjectivity, really. When you ask people for their opinion, it can't really be objective. Then there's the question of how to distribute such a survey. If you only have it here, then people who don't show up here won't take it except by WOM.

I think we can work with this, though. Due to other threads going on, I have a few questions I would dearly love to get data on.
Scott Hebert
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Old June 18th, 2004, 03:21 PM

Mark the Merciful
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Default Re: How would you patch this game?

1. When sending Text Messages, I'd like a text editor that actually lets you edit your text.

2. I'd like Messages from missed turns to carry over so that the player has some idea of what happened while he's been away.
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Old June 18th, 2004, 03:38 PM
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Default Re: How would you patch this game?

Everything has its Pros and Cons
In My Humble Opinion....
I have nothing against polls. They gather good info. Good numbers. They are viewed by and are useful to the developers. Those are the good points.

The bad points come when someone words the questions, or the follow-on discussion, in a way which tries to interpret the data for the developers. Im not saying people cant do that if they want but from what Ive seen its often done badly. They gather good numbers. Numbers that speak for themselves. But then they try and wave it in the devs faces. They use words like majorly broke, fix this, obvious errors, has to be nerfed or has to be improved, etc etc.

A large number of Users using or not using something does not automatcially mean any of those. What it means is that alot of Users use or not use that item. I think that is something the devs like to examine. In my opinion (that alone is a good phrase for some people to use more often) In my opinion such numbers mean "this is something the devs might be interested in looking at" but it does NOT mean the game is broke.

Even if I thought it WAS I wouldnt say it was because its been apparent that saying that can knock something completely OFF of the "you might want to look at this" list.

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Old June 18th, 2004, 05:24 PM
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Default Re: How would you patch this game?

Originally posted by HotNifeThruButr:
You start getting more economical at 8 skill, make of it what you will...
As was said, that's only the turning point if you only value blood slaves. If your summoner's time has a value, or you prefer to have the fiends sooner rather than later, then the "economy" point is earlier.

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Old June 18th, 2004, 05:56 PM
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Default Re: How would you patch this game?

Well if this is a Wish List, I suppose I could post what I posted in the Last post again -- it is still valid, and has nothing to do with balance fixes:

My Hit List, scaled in order of what-I-think-is-important divided by resources-needed-to-implement-(guessing-only):

1. Rehiring Mercs set to half price by default
2. "Goto Commander" works for reports on finding sneaking commanders and assasins
3. Full battle reports after Storming Castle
4. BugFix: Call of the Wilds forest only
5. "Throw Away" option in "Transfer Item" screen set off somewhat from "put into lab"
6. Icons added ( see this thread)
EDIT: 6a. f12 scrolls through forts; f11 scrolls through hidden/stealthy commanders; f10 switches between prophet and pretender; f9 scrolls through mages with forge bonus
7. Interface: f5-Research lets you define research numbers per number pad (instead of +/- clicking)
8. Strategic AI: Fort-building Algorithm
9. Strategic AI: Troop-building Algorithm
10. Interface: Merc Bids defined per number pad instead of +/- clicking
11. Tactical AI: Communion Master only if Communion Slave not self available
12. Interface: From the "View Commander" (Inventory) screen, give us (a link to) the button "SET BATTLE ORDERS"!!
13. Interface / Tactical AI: In Spell Queue, all spells can be clicked either "disabled", "low priority", or "high priority"

I can add:

14. Keeper of the Tombs: Should be sacred
15. Tien Chi S&A starting spell not "flight"
16. What the heck: Mictlan should get a (*not* top-of-the-line, should be weaker than the others in all aspects BUT sacred) assassin, capital only

17. Elemental Armor description must now read "Gives partial protection from...�" (NOT: "immunity")
18. Stealth values increase with Experience Stars
19. Chance of successfully preaching increases with Experience Stars (NOT: level of preaching, just chance of success)
20. Ermor unholy level 5+ Priests must get the option "Reanimate LICTOR" (it still reads: "reanimate Wight")

[ June 18, 2004, 17:00: Message edited by: tinkthank ]
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Old June 18th, 2004, 05:57 PM
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Default Re: How would you patch this game?

Originally posted by PvK:
If your summoner's time has a value, or you prefer to have the fiends sooner rather than later, then the "economy" point is earlier.
They aren't particularly impressive for level 9 spells though, when compared to what is available in other paths.
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Old June 18th, 2004, 06:34 PM
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Default Re: How would you patch this game?

Major Fixes Needed:

1) Attacking Units are Auto-Killed when they are not able to retreat after X-turns. (40 or 50 turns)

---This really should be fixed so that attacking units are auto-retreated into neighboring provinces.

2) AI opponents should not be sending their pretender into the death match events. Also a better prize should be introduced for the death match event... most agree it's not worth sending a commander.
There can be only one.
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Old June 18th, 2004, 06:49 PM
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Default Re: How would you patch this game?

Originally posted by NTJedi:
Major Fixes Needed:

1) Attacking Units are Auto-Killed when they are not able to retreat after X-turns. (40 or 50 turns)

---This really should be fixed so that attacking units are auto-retreated into neighboring provinces.

2) AI opponents should not be sending their pretender into the death match events. Also a better prize should be introduced for the death match event... most agree it's not worth sending a commander.
Check the thread subject. How would YOU solve the latter? And giving numbers for the first would help too...
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