September 1st, 2003, 11:06 PM
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Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent
Originally posted by oleg:
I suggest.
Event Percent Chance Low := 20
Event Percent Chance Medium := 40
Event Percent Chance High := 60
with corrected events file. Now the relative percentages (between low, med. etc) follows the intuition meaning, one would like to have more of them to see AWESOME cataclisms
Although I am still not convinced, with out more testing on the reformatted Events file�
Have you tested your reformated file and does the Pre New Game settings react accordinly.
How about desired Event occurrences; are the Percentages unchanged?
Please, tell us more
Absolutely these figures sound great, and thanks they are in the next new test start�
I tested the Rebellion suggestion you made and yes, that also will be moved up in Classification. As you suggested�
Thanks again Oleg
[ September 01, 2003, 22:33: Message edited by: JLS ]
September 2nd, 2003, 07:01 PM
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Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent
[quote]Originally posted by JLS:
Originally posted by oleg:
[qb]I suggest.
I tested the Rebellion suggestion you made and yes, that also will be moved up in Classification. As you suggested�
Thanks again Oleg
Possibly, we will be taking a step backwards by reducing the chance of rebellions. I like the fact that when a new game is started with 8 or so computer opponents that after a few hundred turns we now have 10 to 12 or so total Players then within a few hundred more turns it could be as many as 20 total players. I also enjoy the diplomacy involved with the newly independent nations, rushing to get into agreements before another greedy major AI Player does its bidding.
I also have never had a Home World rebel.
Are you sure want to make drastic changes to the Events for AIC.
[ September 02, 2003, 18:04: Message edited by: QBrigid ]
September 2nd, 2003, 07:32 PM
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Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent
Originally posted by QBrigid:
Possibly, we will be taking a step backwards by reducing the chance of rebellions. I like the fact that when a new game is started with 8 or so computer opponents that after a few hundred turns we now have 10 to 12 or so total Players then within a few hundred more turns it could be as many as 20 total players. I also enjoy the diplomacy involved with the newly independent nations, rushing to get into agreements before another greedy major AI Player does its bidding.
I also have never had a Home World rebel.
Are you sure want to make drastic changes to the Events for AIC.
You raise a very valid point QB
The settings Oleg suggested are negligible. I am about to start a new game with a revised - actually a revised revision of the Last revised Version of the Events File and I will take a close look at your objections.
Nevertheless, there was fewer Independent Races spawned in the test.
Furthermore, GLV to answer your E-mail here, the Warp Point Event occurrences is hard to put your finger on thru out the Galaxy. However in my Systems there were none, as was in your test. Nevertheless, I believe there was a few else where in the Quadrant.
September 2nd, 2003, 08:41 PM
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Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent
September 2nd, 2003, 10:06 PM
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Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent
I feel I was in error with this event originally.
Type := Planet - Facility Damage
Severity := ???
Effect Amount := 1
Message To := Owner
Num Messages := 1
Message Title 1 := Fire destroys factory
Message 1 := NewsFlash..... breaking story on [%Planetname]. A fire burned through downtown today causing major damage. A number of buildings will have to be closed.
Picture := FacilityDestroyed
Time Till Completion := 0
Num Start Messages := 0
Start Message Title 1 :=
Start Message 1 :=
Considering the possibility that a City, large urban Center or even a HW Culture Center was to be hit by this event it may be to costly to allow
What do you think?
Should it be High or Catastrophic?
[ September 02, 2003, 21:31: Message edited by: JLS ]
September 2nd, 2003, 10:19 PM
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Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent
Originally posted by QBrigid:
I have been playing the Dual Race setup lately, with the 1000-point bonus you supplied for this purpose and it adds so much to my character Race. True if I am not mistaken I net out 500 points less in Characteristic choices if my only choice is one race and not take the bonus but it is well worth it.
Agreed QB
I prefer the Dual Race of > Crystalline and Organic in standard games.
Crystalline and Religious in any Finite Game.
In a No-Warp game >just Crystalline with extra characteristics points in Science with NO bonus for the AI or myself.
[ September 02, 2003, 21:21: Message edited by: JLS ]
September 3rd, 2003, 02:15 PM
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Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent
Originally posted by JLS:
The settings Oleg suggested are negligible. I am about to start a new game with a revised - actually a revised revision of the Last revised Version of the Events File and I will take a close look at your objections.
Nevertheless, there was fewer Independent Races spawned in the test.
Furthermore, GLV to answer your E-mail here, the Warp Point Event occurrences is hard to put your finger on thru out the Galaxy. However in my Systems there were none, as was in your test. Nevertheless, I believe there was a few else where in the Quadrant.
The file used was Olegs that I downloaded and told you about Last week. With that file in a new game I had no warp points open or close anywhere and no independent races just as QBrigid mentioned after 333 turns just a ton of Plauges from his file. Olegs file is the same size as the original AIC file 36k but if you notice there are wide gaps in the data that was not in your original file that worked great already.
Partial example of OLEGS corrected FILE:
ype (wide GAP) := Planet - Created
Severity (wide GAP) := High
Effect Amount := 1
Message To (wide GAP) := System
Num Messages := 1
Message Title 1 := Device creates planet
Message 1 := The function of the alien device is now known. A new planet as been created in [%SystemName].
Picture := PlanetCreated
Time till Completion := 6
Num Start Messages := 1
Start Message Title 1 := Alien Genesis Device
Start Message 1 := While doing mineral surveys of an asteroid in sector [%SectorName] of the [%SystemName] an alien device was found. During the attempt to remove it from it's resting-place, the device became active killing everyone on the team. It's final purpose is still unknown.
Type := Planet - Population Change
Severity := Catastrophic
Effect Amount := 30
Message To := Owner
Num Messages := 1
Message Title 1 := Refugees
Message 1 := [%ActualAmount] million unexpected refugees have arrived on [%PlanetName].
Picture := Refugees
Time Till Completion := 0
Num Start Messages := 0
Type := Warp Point - Closed
Severity := Catastrophic
Effect Amount := 1
Message To := System
Num Messages := 1
Message Title 1 :=
Message 1 :=
Picture := WPClosed
Time Till Completion := 5
Num Start Messages := 1
Start Message Title 1 := Warp Point Fluctuation Detected
Start Message 1 := [%WarpPointName] is fluctuating from gravitational shear forces. Our scientists conclude it will collapse within 0.5 years.
Type (wide GAP) := Warp Point - Opened
Severity (wide GAP) := Catastrophic
Effect Amount := 1
Message To (wide GAP) := System
Num Messages := 1
Message Title 1 :=
Message 1 (wide GAP) :=
Picture := WPOpened
Time till Completion := 5
Num Start Messages := 1
Start Message Title 1 := Fluctuations Detected
Start Message 1 := Our scientists have detected fluctuations in [%SystemName], They suspect that a new warp point is forming. We should send a ship to study this phenomenon.
Type (wide GAP) := Star - Created
Severity (wide GAP) := Catastrophic
Effect Amount := 1
Message To (wide GAP) := System
Num Messages := 1
Message Title 1 := A star is born
Message 1 := A new star has developed in [%SystemName]. This phenomenon will baffle scientists for years.
Picture := StarCreated
Time till Completion := 10
Num Start Messages := 1
Start Message Title 1 := Unknown Occurrence
Start Message 1 := Strange Gravitational fields are developing in [%SystemName]. Scientists throughout the galaxy are puzzled.
Would all these currupted gaps in his file cause it to default to the stock se4 Events file if it is NOT properly formatted and not even see Olegs file?
I am with you QB I also have never had a Home World rebel or blow up from a Random Event with the original AIC file, I say if its not broke don't fix it JLS
[ September 03, 2003, 13:54: Message edited by: Grand Lord Vito ]
September 3rd, 2003, 03:08 PM
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Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent
Originally posted by JLS:
I feel I was in error with this event originally.
Type := Planet - Facility
Considering the possibility that a City, large urban Center or even a HW Culture Center was to be hit by this event it may be to costly to allow
What do you think?
Should it be High or Catastrophic?
JLS also read what PsychoTechFreak had to say about Random Events on the Home Worlds…
Originally posted by PsychoTechFreak:
Longterm observations about 1.5 (realtime) years ago:
- galactic peace within the first 2 years, means no events from 2400.0 until 2401.9, never.
- the master planet is NEVER affected by high and catastrophic events, just by low and medium events
Definition "master planet": The planet that is selected at game start, first cursor, means in a one homeplanet game this would be the homeplanet. In a 10 planets game, the master planet would be immune from high/catastrophic events, the other 9 could be affected, this goes along also with system events, like star explosions.
Originally posted by PsychoTechFreak:
With multiple HW starts yes, but there was always one planet (master) never affected by high/catastrophic events. I checked this with a modded event.txt, just the 4 severities with a text popup for the severity which has taken place. Some thousand turns later, almost everything but the master HP has blown up.
Since Oleg, me, you, QBrigid and PsychoTechFreak (high & cat) have NEVER had an EVENT at all on our Home World change to High but I would not change much else.
I am late for work got to go
[ September 03, 2003, 14:10: Message edited by: Grand Lord Vito ]
September 3rd, 2003, 03:19 PM
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Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent
September 3rd, 2003, 05:27 PM
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Re: AI Campaign => For a Challenging AI opponent
Originally posted by Grand Lord Vito:
Would all these currupted gaps in his file cause it to default to the stock se4 Events file if it is NOT properly formatted and not even see Olegs file?
I am with you QB I also have never had a Home World rebel or blow up from a Random Event with the original AIC file, I say if its not broke don't fix it JLS
I noticed Olegs typo myself before testing Olegs theories yesterday and thought nothing of it and just corrected them.
You are right GLV, se4 does not signal any Events file for some format mistakes when loaded.
For example:
If you type and add this single line to the EVENTS � will this format mistake break the events file� in the document it does not register the error.
If you double line space or even add several blank lines between the cells in any Events file it does not register an error.
As with Olegs corrected file with the WIDE GAPS this also does not register an error.
It is possible Oleg and the others that used Olegs released corrected file did not experience any Catastrophic events because se4 may of stop reading the rest of the file after the format error in Olegs corrected file as it does with other se4 files.
Actually, it is possible that every EVENT after the first 11 events; all of which are low, may NEVER be read so sure in a game with Olegs AIC corrected file you may never have a Catastrophic event not to mention you may never have a Medium or High either.
Actual - Olegs released file, has a format error in the 12th Cell:
================================================== =====================================
================================================== =====================================
Type := Planet - Value Change (11th cell)
Severity := Low
Effect Amount := -20
Message To := Owner
Num Messages := 1
Message Title 1 := Cosmic Storm
Message 1 := A cosmic storm has damaged the value of planet [%PlanetName].
Picture := PlanetValueWorse
Time Till Completion := 0
Num Start Messages := 0
Type ((( VERY WIDE GAP ))) := Ship - Experience Change (12th cell)
Severity ((( VERY WIDE GAP ))) := Low
Effect Amount := 5
Message To ((( VERY WIDE GAP ))) := Owner
Num Messages := 1
Message Title 1 := Crew wins fire fight
Message 1 ((( VERY WIDE GAP ))) := While in the [%SystemName] region, the crew of [%VehicleName] ran into Space Raiders. Winning the fire fight, The ship's battle experience has improved.
Picture := CombatWin
Time till Completion := 1
Num Start Messages := 0
Start Message Title 1 :=
Start Message 1 :=
- - -
Example of an abutrary input mistake that also did not register an error:
================================================== =====================================
================================================== =====================================
Type := Ship - Damage
Severity := Low
Effect Amount := 20
Message To := Owner
Num Messages := 1
Message Title 1 := Ion Storm
Message 1 := An ion storm has done [%ActualAmount] kT damage to the ship [%VehicleName] in the [%SystemName] system.
Picture := ShipDamaged
Time Till Completion := 0
Num Start Messages := 0
will this format mistake break the events file
Type := Ship - Lose Movement
Severity := Low
Effect Amount := 1
Message To := Owner
Num Messages := 1
Message Title 1 := Engine Accident
Message 1 := An accident aboard [%VehicleName] has caused it to lose [%ActualAmount] of its movement.
Picture := ShipDamaged
Time Till Completion := 0
Num Start Messages := 0
Olegs recent gift of the (correct) Events file for AIC, although surly as interesting as it may have been wrapped, and the drama in which the package was delivered; nonetheless does not devalue the gift or the thoughts behind it.
- - -
Example of extra line spaces in-between the cells registering an error:
================================================== =====================================
================================================== =====================================
Type := Ship - Damage
Severity := Low
Effect Amount := 20
Message To := Owner
Num Messages := 1
Message Title 1 := Ion Storm
Message 1 := An ion storm has done [%ActualAmount] kT damage to the ship [%VehicleName] in the [%SystemName] system.
Picture := ShipDamaged
Time Till Completion := 0
Num Start Messages := 0
Type := Ship - Lose Movement
Severity := Low
Effect Amount := 1
Message To := Owner
Num Messages := 1
Message Title 1 := Engine Accident
Message 1 := An accident aboard [%VehicleName] has caused it to lose [%ActualAmount] of its movement.
Picture := ShipDamaged
Time Till Completion := 0
Num Start Messages := 0
Olegs recent gift of the (correct) Events file for AIC, although surly as interesting as it may have been wrapped, and the drama in which the package was delivered; nonetheless does not devalue the gift or the thoughts behind it.
Type := Planet - Facility Damage
Severity := Low
Effect Amount := 1
Message To := Owner
Num Messages := 1
Message Title 1 := Fire destroys factory
Message 1 := NewsFlash..... breaking story on [%Planetname]. A fire burned through downtown today causing major damage. A number of buildings will have to be closed.
Picture := FacilityDestroyed
Time Till Completion := 0
Num Start Messages := 0
Start Message Title 1 :=
Start Message 1 :=
Type := Ship - Lose Supply
Severity := Low
Effect Amount := 1000
Message To := Owner
Num Messages := 1
Message Title 1 := Fuel Leak
Message 1 := A fuel leak aboard [%VehicleName] has caused it to lose [%ActualAmount] of its supplies.
Picture := ShipDamaged
Time Till Completion := 0
Num Start Messages := 0
[ September 03, 2003, 16:29: Message edited by: JLS ]
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