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Old December 17th, 2002, 05:53 AM
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Default Re: Are there any female SE4 players?

Originally posted by Suicide Junkie:
You can also do the "Player has 100% of tech areas researched"

That would be pretty transcendant, I think.
You could even toss in a new tech area, "transcendance" that requires all other techs maxxed out as a prerequisite.
SJ, yes that would be pretty close to transcendence. Some games, like Civ, do require all just about all the techs for the "builder" victory (spaceship to Alpha Centauri), but some, like Alpha Centauri, have some techs outside the transcendence beeline (quite a few of the late game military techs are excluded). For SE4 I think some of the later weapons techs wouldn't really be necessary for 'transcendence.' Then it would be fun to have some kind of insanely expensive 'facility' (temple? sanctuary?)where your race transcends. Hmm...considering the way this game works, I'll bet this kind of thing could be modded...(although I doubt I have the expertise to do it myself).

On the topic of "ladies," I think we're running into regional (and even national) cultural differences. I imagine that in the southeastern United States, and most of Europe, lady is a term of respect (like Signora in Italy, Madame in France, and perhaps even Lady in Great Britain). In the northeastern US, on the other hand, and especially in New York, lady is usually attached to some rather colorful expression like "hey lady, get your #$%$ cat off my new car" So, in my part of the world, Ms. is the proper direct form of address, and women is preferable to ladies as the general term.

[ December 17, 2002, 03:59: Message edited by: Chronon ]
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Old December 17th, 2002, 06:16 AM
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Default Re: Are there any female SE4 players?

Originally posted by Thermodyne:
I would say that perhaps you experience may be a little narrow on this point. I know and have known women that were not at all as you have described here, but they were ladies in every sense of the word. Some were powerful and independent, others were proud. Some were just plain stubborn, but they were all ladies.
Oh I've met these, they don't mind the terms lady, ms, ma'am. And they don't mind an off color joke in the lunch room. Go with their husband to eat at Hooters. et cetera

[ December 17, 2002, 04:21: Message edited by: Arkcon ]
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Old December 17th, 2002, 06:20 AM
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Default Re: Are there any female SE4 players?

Originally posted by Krsqk:
I must have been brought up wrong, then. I was taught to open doors out of respect, not sympathy (not the word I want, but can't think of it tonight). And to open them for both men and women--out of respect. Guess my parents failed again...
Me too, I always hated in school when someone let the door slam in my face in a crowded hallway.

I just made sense to me to hold it, look over your shoulder, and wait for the next person to grab it.

The concept seemed lost on just about everyone else.
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Old December 17th, 2002, 06:24 AM
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Default Re: Are there any female SE4 players?

Originally posted by Arkcon:
Originally posted by Thermodyne:
I would say that perhaps you experience may be a little narrow on this point. I know and have known women that were not at all as you have described here, but they were ladies in every sense of the word. Some were powerful and independent, others were proud. Some were just plain stubborn, but they were all ladies.
I've meet these, they don't mind the terms lady, ms, ma'am. And they don't mind an off color joke in the lunch room. Go with their husband to eat at Hooters. et cetera
Um�..Not the ones I had in mind, but yes they would be ladies too. It would be easier to say which people were not ladies. And some ladies are more lady-like than others. My point was that a lady did not have to be overly feminine or meek and mild of disposition to be a lady. Some ladies would run you over and leave you in the dust if you paused to open a door. On the other hand, some that would wait until the door had been opened for them are no kind of lady that you would bring home to meet your mother.

Think about it
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Old December 17th, 2002, 06:45 AM

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Default Re: Are there any female SE4 players?

I am sure I remember another post along these same lines, but can't remember the title.

I orginally got my wife hooked by playing hotseat games together and slowly introduced her to Space Empires. She enjoyed it cause we could beat up the AI together and we didn't have to fight each other, never a good idea for a happy marriage.

She normally plays a Peaceful race and I'm the agreesive one. But in her second PBW Game, she has turned the tables and started destorying a race cause the other Empire "Didn't reply to either of my requests for a treaty and I asked them 3 times".
Since then I've ensured I have replied to her every communication.
In Bad form, the player (who is staying nameless) then quit because he couldn't take the heat.

Women - No.
Girl - OK
Lady - Good
Princess - Bonus points.

[ December 17, 2002, 04:46: Message edited by: Baron Grazic ]
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Old December 17th, 2002, 07:04 AM
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Default Re: Are there any female SE4 players?

My Wife plays this and other games. She prefers RPGs such as Baldur's Gate and the Might & Magic series. She has also played mucho grande hours of Heroes of Might & Magic.

She enjoys strategy games much better than tactical as she is a bit of an empire builder. She does complain that wishes the games didn't always come down to fighting, but I keep explaining to her that unfortunately, force is the final answer when survival is at stake.

She does like Quake, however, because, as she says, "it is very satisfying to blow my husband up with a grenade launcher." I don't know what to say about that. I'm torn..... to shreds (if you get my drift).

But anyway... she is working on her skills and is getting used to the idea of venturing out to PBW against opponents other than myself. She has played a few games in a tight group of local friends.

She would make the observation that "more women would play if they knew about it".

I would make the observation that women generally enjoy the exploration and expansion but most pale at the thought of backing up their policy with force.

If you want to introduce a member of the better gender to this (or other games), start by setting ground rules that prevent armed conflict. At the very least, they will have the opportunity to learn the workings of the game (and have a chance to build an addiction) before they are forced to learn strategy and tactics the only way they are effectively taught... by getting stomped.

For the record, we are both on the other side of 40 years old & one of the reasons I married her was because she understood my hobby.

P.S. --- we also play bridge... the best wargame around (believe it or not).
Bridge is the best wargame going ... Where else can you find a tournament every weekend?
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Old December 17th, 2002, 07:08 AM
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Default Re: Are there any female SE4 players?

Lady woman girl how do you know which is which? I don�t know. The only thing I am sure of is that my wife all woman. How can I tell you ask? It is something you just know, same as I know that I love her more ten years later. We can each give our own differing descriptions of what a woman is and maybe not come out with two views alike. I believe that we all would agree that you (and only you) know for sure she is a woman for the same reason you know you love her.
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Old December 17th, 2002, 08:36 AM
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Default Re: Are there any female SE4 players?

i don't doubt hte bridge comment, btu could you please explain? O, and i'm working up an idea for a non-violent pbw game/mod. Just dont' have the time to type it out now. off to sleep thank god.
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Old December 17th, 2002, 11:17 AM
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Default Re: Are there any female SE4 players?

Originally posted by Stone Mill:
I noticed you hail from Germany. Gryphin mentioned playing with a German lady as well...
Hmmmmmm... Is this a German woman gaming thing?
I dunno. I have meet ladies who hated computer games and others that love it. I play Shadowrun, The Black Eye and Mechwarrior (RPGs) with the two ladies here, too, and it is always a joy as the are ROLEplaying it, not just whacking opposition. In general I think ladies like the building part of a game more. Further, when you introduce one to a game you like, don't come of with all the neat tricks you already know. They want to explore the game just as you did when you started it and it is just no fun to have a wiseass in front of you telling you the way your empire should be run.
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Old December 17th, 2002, 05:42 PM
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Default Re: Are there any female SE4 players?

We play bridge. The card game made popular by the likes of Culbertson and Goren.

I play it because it is one of the best strategy games I can find. Also there are regular organized tournaments - probably 9 or 10 a year within driving distance.

Imagine if there was a gamers convention almost every month.

In fact, of the group of 6 Space Empires players that I play with locally, 4 of them are avid bridge players as well.
Bridge is the best wargame going ... Where else can you find a tournament every weekend?
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