Originally Posted by Soyweiser
Originally Posted by Muse
Authors do not have the right to 'delete' their work from the public domain, whether or not a library they dislike profits from it.
Public domain? I don't think those words mean what you think they mean.
They do, and you're obfuscating the point.
"Works are in the public domain if they are not covered by intellectual property rights at all."
It would take long years in a sympathetic court to yield even a slight acknowledgment of IP rights on a mod. Especially a mod of one copyrighted game to add the units of another copyrighted game to it.
As I've said, this does not reflect my opinion on the modders themselves, but it is nonetheless accurate.
The purpose of modding is likely to improve something you enjoy. You clearly acknowledge that you will be aiding the game and all who profit from its improvement. Including you.
I'll give a useful example:
If Jim Butcher urinated on the floor of a Barnes and Noble, he may be banned from the premises.
Will the store still sell The Dresden Files? Yes.
And he actually
does have the IP rights to that series.