I have a strange problem. I'm trying to erase all the regular leadership from the national units.
I have one unit that has no magic and I do this.
1. I call the #noleader command in the unit's section.
2. I call the #okmagicleader command in the unit's section.
Now that unit has 0 regular leadership and 40 magic leadership. Exactly what I wanted.
I have these crest of the allspawns and they have magic as can be seen below.
The problem is I call the #noleader tag, and then the #expertmagicleader tag and the unit ends up with zero leadership in all three fields, which is not what I want.
#newmonster 2609
#copystats 2500
#copyspr 940
#name "Crest of the Allspawn"
#hp 15
#mr 17
#armor "Thick Slime"
#armor "Pair of Antenna"
#gcost 345
#magicskill 6 3
#magicskill 5 2
#custommagic 12800 100
#custommagic 12800 50
#custommagic 2048 50
#custommagic 2048 10
I also have faceless lords that have some magic. I call the #noleader tag and then #goodmagicleader and they lose all their leadership as well.
#copystats 2501
#copyspr 521
#name "Faceless Lord"
#hp 70
#size 4
#mr 17
#mor 18
#gcost 350
#rcost 10
#armor "Thick Slime"
#map 2
#att 14
#str 18
#ap 10
#ambidextrous 5
#fear 0
#itemslots 28702
#magicskill 8 1
#magicskill 6 1
#magicskill 2 1
#magicskill 5 1
#custommagic 12800 100
#custommagic 12800 100
#custommagic 12800 100
#custommagic 12800 100
#weapon 701
#weapon 701
#weapon 701
#weapon 701
#maxage 100
Is it possible I'm overflowing the leadership field amount, somehow?