Originally Posted by iCaMpWiThAWP
When Gliders Crashlland do they disappear? I can't find them after the action turn, also flame hexes give your troops supression?
Crashed gliders are wrecked - and will only disappear if they have the misfortune to land on deep water, when everyone carried will drown as well.
You may be confused by the fact that gliders are shown on the deployment phase and are then stripped off the map (with the loaded passengers) as they are
off map assets. Load them in the deployment phase, and also plot your air drops on the pre game bombardment screen, or you will be subject to long delays if you try to call them in ad-hoc during the game. (You really should not be able to do that, or at least with planning delays in terms of days!, but allowing that lets players who forget to plot to get a chance to use their airborne assets but with a 12 or so turn penalty).
Flame hexes give suppression, and the occasional casualty to dismounts, but nowhere like the original SP series games. It used to be a standard SP1 "gamy" tactic to plonk some engineers with flame-throwers in an extended line where the panzers were coming and X-fire a wall of flame across their predicted path, leaving 3-4 shots of FT to close assault the enemy. Any tanks left alive in the flame hexes were badly suppressed, as were any tank riders. Flame-throwers are now less effective, and the flame hexes are a nuisance, rather than deadly.