I have some ideas on how this could be done. You don't have to follow my ideas.. we could do this multiple times, make different games based on the good v evil idea.
Anyway, here is my idea for the game structure:
On the brink of global war.
Over the centuries, a group of shining, virtuous nations have formed a pact for mutual defense and peaceful coexistence. This small group of kingdoms worships a pantheon of gods, all different -- yet all the same. Four aspects of the same all-powerful god. They will stand as one in the upcoming War of Ascension. All will rise to glory, or all will fall into the pit of Tartarus for eternal suffering.
Another group of nations, evil, vicious, has also arisen. They, too, all worship different aspects of the same god, yet this god is so posionous that It has corrupted their minds and they do not understand their linked fate. They too will rise to glory as one, or fall into disgrace, but they are too blinded by arrogance to realize this essential fact. They want nothing but to expand across the globe, killing and enslaving any nation which stands in their way, preferably the "good" ones. They are not organized, but far more numerous than the League of Virtue.
Only a couple nations remain neutral in this upcoming fight. They may trade will anyone, good or evil, but their Council of Elders are isolationist in nature, and they will not permit coordinated military action with any other faction, including other neutrals. They may seem to be completely doomed, without hope, but their Gods are strong and their merchants shrewd, and they have been blessed with an abundance of material wealth.
Now for the nuts and bolts:
The League of Virtue is few in number: 4 factions.
They despise Death and Blood magic, and are forbidden to use these paths (except for anti-undead spells such as Wither Bones). They cannot trade for death or blood items with NEUTRALS. If they happen upon a blood site, they must let these slaves sit and rot in their vault. Do NOT use them for ANY purpose. Death gems, however, may be used solely to alchemetize to astral pearls.
They are forbidden to have any contact with the EVIL races (Do not discuss the game -at all- with any of these races).
They are limited in the topics they may discuss with the NEUTRAL races (see the NEUTRAL races for more detail).
They are forbidden from eliminating their own players.
They are forbidden from possessing the capital of another GOOD player (except temporarily if it has been conquered).
They will all start together (they have each other's back).
They are able to talk and discuss amongst themselves freely, by e-mail, in game contact -- any method and any topic.
If one of them dies, (s)he may give all items and gems to others in the League.
Victory Conditions
Elimination of all EVIL players.
Possession of all GOOD capitals.
They are forbidden to have any contact with the GOOD or EVIL races (Do not discuss the game -at all- with any of these races). EVIL cannot plan strategies or coordinate their efforts in -any- way. They cannot trade screenshots. They cannot -talk at all- amongst themselves.
They cannot discuss their Pretender choices before the game starts.
Each is prohibited from giving anything to any other faction upon their death.
They are limited in the topics they may discuss with the NEUTRAL races (see the neutral races for more detail).
They are randomly distributed throughout the world.
They are overwhelmingly numerous: 8 factions.
They may corrupt all forms of magic for their own use.
They may eliminate their own players at will.
Victory Conditions
Elimination of all GOOD and NEUTRAL players.
They are limited in the topics they may discuss with all races. They may discuss: trading gold, gems, items, provinces, world maps (screenshots). Non-aggression pacts. "Please stop x (inciting unrest, etc.)" messages. That is all. No coordinated military actions with -any- other faction!! No trading -any- military info on -any- other nation beyond what you can show in world-map screenshots. You are -forbidden- to trade battle screenshots.
--> If they trade screenshots to an EVIL player, that EVIL player is honor-bound not to show them to his/her allies. All EVIL players must purchase the screenshots individually from the NEUTRAL players if they want to see how the world looks apart from their own corner of it.
Each NEUTRAL race is prohibited from giving anything to any other faction upon their death. All trades must be legit -- no trading 1000 gold for 100 gold. You are honor-bound to play in your own self-interest.
Addendum - NEUTRAL races are stubbornly proud and will refuse to give tribute to any race for any purpose. Trades which are slightly uneven are okay, as long as it is debateable. Simply handing 1000 gold to the nearest EVIL race "Please don't kill me" is not allowed. (i.e. making an unfair trade as a plea for survival (being a "forge *****") is not allowed). NEUTRAL races will live free, or die!
They are on their own. There are 2 NEUTRAL races, but they are not a team.
They are randomly distributed throughout the world.
They may use all forms of magic.
They may eliminate any player at will.
They are the only players the EVIL factions can say anything to, including their own allies!
They are extremely weathly: they start the game with 1500 gold and 10 gems of every type.
Victory Conditions
Standard Dominions victory condition: There Can Be Only One. Ascend or get thrown into Tartarus! Sucks to be you, NEUTRAL guys.
Remember if you kill all of the EVIL races first and don't hold any GOOD capitals, you lose. You sort of have to attack both.
Mods being used:
Single-Age Mod.
Complete Balance Mod.
I don't know yet.
Any race (from any Age) may be chosen as Good, Evil, or Neutral. I don't judge. But remember that Good races cannot use Death or Blood magic at all. I'd recommend taking a faction for Good that doesn't use these paths.
The NEUTRAL races in particular must be played by experienced, trustworthy players. They need to be a buffer between the EVIL and GOOD races in the beginning, or EVIL will just stomp over everything.
The EVIL races also need to be played by trustworthy players -- if they start communicating illegally, they will win hands-down.
Does this sound even remotely balanced? I have given it a lot of thought, but am certainly open to suggestions! I know it sucks for the neutral factions, they are not supposed to win. I am talking good v evil balance. Hopefully, though, with their extra gold and the fact that the EVIL races can only trade with them, the Neutral races won't get eliminated early by the EVIL races. The GOOD races have no real incentive to kill the NEUTRALS -- they don't need to in order to win.
I will start a new thread for this game if there is interest.
I'm not planning this as a blitz, the blitz can happen, too! Why not just have more games?