Re: Is magic worth it?!?
I'll reiterate the poster who mentioned Abyssia.
MA Ermor has pretty amazing communions very early, able to boost multiple Thaumaturgs to Holy 4. This gives a lot of nice options - even regular longdeads are formidable with Power of the Sepulchre, and your longdead horsemen legions and Shadow Vestals are nasty indeed. Plus, when in doubt, spam Smite.
If magic sites are weaker in LA, you might think about LA Mictlan as a magical force to be reckoned with. Mictlan, more than just about any other nation save perhaps Ermor, lives and dies by effective magic use. LA is pretty much identical to EA with regards to magic strength overall, with less fire and more water (leading to easier clam spam, another big source of magic power) and a variety of powerful mage priests who don't have to worry about age (nice before you get boots, still saves you blood/keeps a slot free). Also, national troops are a quite a bit weaker in LA, so your Jaguars won't be competing with Vans.