Foodstamp said:
Here are the main differences as I see them-----------------
Dominions 3 is an army building game where the goal of the player is to create varied armies of different shapes and sizes to put against the AI or other players creations.
I tend to disagree, unless you count building up SCs as "armies", too.
The biggest difference I see is the city building, yes, and the ability to move your units yourself during the combat turns. Some people heavily depended on that: One cheap tactic of players with the Troll nation was to hit+run in battle, waiting until the units are completely regenerated. Would have been too boring to me, but there are some other situations where the order in which your units attacked or control you had over your heroes in combat was essential - you could still hand the fighting over to the AI after you were pretty much done.
HoneyBadger, I don't think your "pretenders have to empower/wish" idea is feasible in any way, because those strategies would be too costly to have a heavy influence on the game. The research needed till you reach level 15 alone would kill the idea, but you'd better be off to sink the gems into summons and items for SCs, too, instead of empowering so much.
Dom3 and MoM are similar, but just too different - I have to agree that I liked playing MoM more, too, because I am a die-hard fan of the original Civilization, too.