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Old August 24th, 2004, 04:21 PM

Aku Aku is offline
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Default Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by Aku)

dont be alarmed...klatu will set it back to 24hours

it is at its current time because yesterday klatu wanted to reboot the server and set the hours to how much was left before he rebooted it

so it will be reset to 24hrs again within the hour
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Old August 24th, 2004, 06:33 PM

Lex Lex is offline
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Default Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by Aku)

ah crap. this really really sucked: my Queen Air died when routing to a bunch of PD on the first turn. WTF!?!? I think its cos I had an air elemental with her, and it might have died right away.. stupid.
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Old August 24th, 2004, 07:27 PM

Pickles Pickles is offline
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Default Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by Aku)

Sorry for the delay I was waiting to talk to someone but I gave up in the end

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Old August 24th, 2004, 11:34 PM
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Default Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by Aku)

Is the Great Aku teaching you a lesson, Lex? Panther, can't you send a reporter to the battle scene. I need to hear the news!
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Old August 25th, 2004, 11:00 AM

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Default Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by Aku)

new turn is up

yeah the 3rd air queen moved into the middle of my land and the little air elemental it had with her died right away to my pd so she routed into enemy territory and died

when using sc's they have to go alone or they can go with your army but in either scenerio i dont like popping up with no retreat province because of dying to routing sucks

hmm so is that 3rd air queen going to get summoned by me now?
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Old August 25th, 2004, 04:48 PM
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Default Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by Aku)

I've been reading the thread and I must say I love the in-character reports, plans, and threats. I can't wait to play one of my own MPs!, even though I'm sure I'd get destroyed. Keep up the good work (play?).

(hope I'm not butting in)...
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Old August 25th, 2004, 09:55 PM

Aku Aku is offline
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Default Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by Aku)

yeah the in game in character reports are great for those of us who are good story tellers and good for all of us to read them

and you arent butting in

just sign up for any newbie game they start all the time
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Old August 25th, 2004, 09:58 PM

The Panther The Panther is offline
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Default Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by Aku)

The Pythium News Network, which never sleeps, is issuing another fine bulletin.

Our fearless reporters still scour the land of Karan in search of the hottest news, despite several having already fallen by getting too close to the action.

First off, in the far NW frontier, the evil sentient computer controlling the false pretender of T'ien Ch'i has fallen forever. Due to the heroic efforts of the Greatest Lord of all, the One and Only True Pretender, the Stupendous Smaug, the threat of computer sentience has been nipped before it could spread.

*What was that??? Ah, I see. Well, OK, if you say so.*

Um.. where was I? Oh yeah, back to our report. It seems that a moderately reliable source has determined that the oddly named god of Man, Blueboy himself, has also assisted the Great Smaug in the elimination of the mechanical threat. I suppose we are indebted to Man for helping stop the advance of the machines.

Now where were we before that annoying interruption... Ah yes, we now have an additional report from the northern front.

It seems that the words of the false God of Abysia have been verified as being innacurate. Our fearless reporters state with inassailable accuracy that the sailors of Vanheim continue to maintain a slight foothold in the northern edge of the Abysian Empire. Several former fire temples can be seen still burning on the battlefield.

Our latest reports do show, however, that the Abysian fighters are relentless in their determination to shove the sailors back into the sea. It may still happen that way, according to eye witnesses.

Meanwhile, deep in the south, the valiant fighters of Pythium have managed to wrest a fortress from the clutches of the evil empire of Caelum. Luckily, this has occured before the fort could be encased in ice, as Caelum is wont to do. The fort still functions, but now pays tribute to a new master.

Furthermore, now that the formidable army of Pythium has decided to wrest some easy provinces away from the evil lords of Caelum, one can reasonably expect that the days of the ice creatures are numbered. And using small numbers to boot.

Also, we have a reliable report that an underwater fortress of R'lyeh in the province of Baptizer is being seiged by three or four strange looking devils composed mainly of ice. Our reporters are trying to sneak in for a closer look. However, it might be too dangerous amidst all that heavy fighting, so that report will have to remain speculative.

However, one thing seems sure. This report must be mildly innacurate, for these so-called devils of ice seem to follow the wishes of the fire empire of Abysia. How ice creatures can function in a land of fire is not fully understood by this reporter. The hard-working Pythium researchers are fervishly trying to understand this odd bit of information.

Finally, we have a reliable report from the western front. It would appear that the undead beings of Pangaea have somehow managed to wrest away the former capitol of the Spider lord of Machaka. While some Machaka forces are trying to advance into the desert of Abysia to establish a new capitol plus a beseiged fortress in Grey Mirks still flys the under the orange banner, it is this reporters belief that the spiders will not Last much longer in the land of Karan.

I could even say I told you so, but that might constitute bragging and we would never stoop to such a low level.

Anyway, so ends the next installment of news from PNN. Payment for using this news service should be made directly to the coffers of Pythium, for that great empire has financed the reports in search of Truth.
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Old August 26th, 2004, 12:23 PM

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Default Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by Aku)

hmm.. it appears Phantasmal Attack doesn't exactly do much against SCs.. lets see if its enough to take out PD

MUHAHAHHAHA, you might have slaughtered my troops, but I've still got plenty of magic.
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Old August 26th, 2004, 02:57 PM
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Default Re: MP Game - Newbie Game (by Aku)

Lex said:
hmm.. it appears Phantasmal Attack doesn't exactly do much against SCs.. lets see if its enough to take out PD

MUHAHAHHAHA, you might have slaughtered my troops, but I've still got plenty of magic.
the only of these attack spells which can take out scs is ghost riders

you have anyway better usage of your airgems than phantasmal attack
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