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Old April 1st, 2007, 06:25 PM
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Default Re: Where have all the unique magic items gone?

The Mind Lords see the enriched uranium flowing from the Forge of the Ancients as an act of aggression against the world. We fear what the clam output will be of a nation few can bring war down on, hiding under the waves and behind their Helheim thralls with free flowing dwarven hammers for all. If the spell remains, the smell of a non-binding resolution is in the air. That, or war.
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Old April 1st, 2007, 06:59 PM
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Default Re: Where have all the unique magic items gone?

Baalz said:
...hiding ... behind their Helheim thralls
Thralls? You dare call us thralls? We of Helheim are a proud and free people, and thralls to no-one! We have thralls of our own. To work our fields for us, to tend to our hunting dogs for us, and to forge our weapons for us. So we Vanir have our hands free to hunt the dangerous beasts of the deep woods, to make love to the fair women this world holds, and to wage war, to gain us new thralls, and fresh women.

The Vanir are to wild to be enslaved by anyone, wether they have the pretention to call themselves mind lords or not!
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Old April 1st, 2007, 07:54 PM
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Default Re: Where have all the unique magic items gone?

Sounds to me like T'ien Ch'i have got thereselves some lapdogs who go by the name of R'lyeh.

The R'lyeh can only be lapdogs as all know that there is but one huge power in the east, T'ien Ch'i, who would control all. Well the west as many great powers.

Like I said dispel the forge, I should use my gems for summons now and battlemagic, make sure you put alot of gems into it thou and I do mean alot, 200+ should do it.

Atlantis is earth rich and I saved long and hard.
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Old April 1st, 2007, 09:11 PM
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Default Re: Where have all the unique magic items gone?

Just for the record could T'ien Ch'i list all the globals a nation is allowed to cast and keep up?

Banned list, no nation in Middle-Way is allowed to have the following globals in effect by order of the T'ien Ch'i naton:-

Forge of the Ancients - Banned.
Arcane Nexus - Banned.
The Wrath of God - Ok.
Perpetual Storm - Ok.
Fate Morgana - Ok.
Astral Corruption - Banned.
The Looming Hell - Ok.
Burden of Time - Ok.
Utterdark - Banned.
Mechanical Militia - Ok.
Wild Hunt - Ok.
Enchanted Forest - Ok.

Please share your wisdom great T'ien Ch'i, we are all ears and tentacles in some cases...

Updated with the 'wisdom' of the Celestial Masters.
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Old April 2nd, 2007, 01:06 PM
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Default Re: Where have all the unique magic items gone?

Ah yes, my fellow water-breather, is it not amusing to hear the thralls bleating about their freedom? The Atlanteans, for example, who may soon be used to tear down the very walls of Atlantis itself do not even realize they are our thralls. All know the best thralls are the ones who believe they are free, it amuses us to no end to let them think they decided to march against their own kind. We do not know what this ferocious creature known as "lap dog" is, we have no equivalent super-predator underneath the waves. We invite the Atlantean royal family to come visit our halls and tell us of this terrible "lap dog", for they shall see the majesty of the R'yleh caves and leave proclaiming to all who would hear the power and majesty of our people.
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Old April 3rd, 2007, 12:01 AM
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Default The Most Threatening Global Spells

Meglobob said:
Please share your wisdom great T'ien Ch'i, we are all ears and tentacles in some cases...
Ah, most excellent. It appears that the tentacled Atlanteans are coming to their senses - this is most excellent news! There is indeed hope for the land of Faerun!

Well, now since you have asked so politely, we will enlighten you, young man (or squid, or kraken, as the case may be). [you see Da-yu, an elderly but surprisingly spry man scrambling through the cluttered and shelves of his library, stacked with musty old books, and even older scrolls]

This is a subject that has been debated for many a year at the Imperial Academy in the city of Wei, and in fact at more than one time in the past young scholars (such as yourself) have lost their lives as debates over this very question became somewhat overheated and turned into duels. For example, we see in the year 1297 BE (or in the 400th year of the Wu dynasty), there was a debate that extended over 20 years during the lifetime of the famous (or infamous?) Scholar Pei Tu, who had declared that the Eyes of God spell was surely the most puissant spell which could be cast, and that any nation casting such should reviled by all the world. However, as you can well imagine such an absurd proposition generated such an uproar in academic circles that ...

What, you seem to be nodding off, eh? Oh, the impatience of youth!

Well, to come right to the point, we humbly suggest that the following spells are sure to get a substantial and negative reaction around the world:

Forge of the Ancients
Arcane Nexus
Astral Corruption

We do not suggest that this is the authoritative list which is certain beyond all question, but we do offer up the list above for discussion and debate. And in terms of immediate relevancy to our current point of dispute, would any nation (other than Atlantis) make the claim that Forge of the Ancients is a non-threatening spell which would be safe for any other nation to ignore? Or to put it differently, would any nation say that Forge of the Ancients is no more threatening than say Mother Oak, or some other similar gem generator?
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Old April 3rd, 2007, 02:32 AM
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Default Re: The Most Threatening Global Spells

You complainin 'bout my tree?
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Old April 3rd, 2007, 09:33 AM
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Default Re: The Most Threatening Global Spells

We regret to inform you that the last place that you can call true "wilderness" in Faerun will soon cease to exist. Both R'lyeh and Agartha are doing their best to chop down the forests of old and soon there will be no place for all the small and furry animals to hide from the freezing cold. Will YOU help to preserve their habitat? Will YOU be the hero that puts and end to this madness of destroying the "lungs" of Faerun?

Money donations accepted, also military forces armed to the teeth.

The Faerun environmental society thanks you for your contribution.
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Old April 3rd, 2007, 10:56 AM
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Default Re: The Most Threatening Global Spells

It watches as the half-man frolics in the dawn air, carefree in the dew and the mist. As the half-man sniffs the spring flowers in the clearing, It waits. Full of life, the half-man bends down to drink out of the lake. Some sense flaring warning of a predator he whirls around to scan the tree line. Behind him, something dark, something terrible rises from the water. Too late the half-man realizes his peril as the oily tentacles tighten around his abdomen and he is dragged kicking beneath the waves. The water begins to churn as legions march forth in a seemingly unending mass.

The slaves of the underneath march from their watery barracks and the nation of Pangea begins its rapid collapse. In a single month, nearly a dozen provinces become dominated by the mind lords, to frolic no more in nature�s bounty. Along Pangea�s eastern shore dozens of spheres of ice shoot from the water to violently explode among the scrambling militia as powerful hydromancers rise dripping to step among the now bloody ice shards. On their northern shore armies of slave mages lead huge masses of lobotomized Atlantean slave troopers, shuffling like the longdead to drown Pangea in a sea of drooling flesh. On their western shore the aboleths themselves crawl onto the land, surrounded by globes of water and robbing the will of any who oppose them. Nowhere is firm resistance found, though there was a single casualty as a young aboleth underestimated the number of Maenads in a province. Everywhere the half men route leaderless as the dominated ones shuffle in long lines back towards the shore. Wading in to drown like lemmings, the are fated to become feedstock for the next generation of Mind Lords. As the tentacles of the Mind Lords close like the paralyzing embrace of a jellyfish, the nation of Pangea goes into shock, it�s heart will still soon.
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Old April 3rd, 2007, 12:00 PM
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Default Re: The Most Threatening Global Spells

If Agartha wants any "spoils of war" from the 2 year campaign between us he better come quick and grab it.

Baalz, the black stone Sot begs you for mercy. Is it perhaps possible for him to submit to your will and become one of your mind slaves. His followers can fight pretty well against your foes on land. What do you say, oh tentacle beast?
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