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Old March 29th, 2007, 04:02 PM
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Default Re: The Middle Way - Faerun EA [Running]

I've set the server to host tonight at around 7:50pm PDT, and turned off QH (I need to make some changes to my turn tonight, and I wanted to be sure it doesn't host before I have a chance to do so).

Anyhow, I'll turn back on QH as soon as I get a chance, and so long as Baalz can get in his turn tonight, we shouldn't have any problem hosting tonight.
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Old March 29th, 2007, 07:44 PM
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Default Re: The Middle Way - Faerun EA [Running]

The lord of the void speaks, and all should pay heed. The former mind lord has been called to the void, and I have stepped forward to continue his conquest of the world. All treaties with the lands of R'yleh are null and void. Any wishing diplomatic relations should petition the new void lord before our plans for conquest have been set. Let it be known that our nation has large caches of valuable earth and death gems of which we have little need, but we are desirous of astral and water gems.
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Old March 29th, 2007, 10:26 PM
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Default Re: The Middle Way - Faerun EA [Running]

OK, I'm back and had my chance to update.

Turning back to QH in 10 minutes.
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Old April 1st, 2007, 04:43 AM
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Default Where have all the unique magic items gone?

Someone has been busy, building every unique magic item, I wonder who this could be?

Was it?

T'ien Ch'i?




Or someone else?

Oh my god you killed Ermor, you b%*t$*d!

All those who watch south park will get the jokes!
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Old April 1st, 2007, 07:28 AM

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Default Re: Where have all the unique magic items gone?

Many apologies for staling this turn, everyone. However, my Cunning Plan for this turn actually consisted of Sitting Still in a Cunning Way, so all is not lost. It's hard to do much else to be honest, when your upkeep is larger than your income.

Anyway Yomi, fear me! Muwahaha!
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Old April 1st, 2007, 04:35 PM
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Default Re: Where have all the unique magic items gone?

Meglobob said:
Someone has been busy, building every unique magic item, I wonder who this could be?

Was it?

T'ien Ch'i?


T'ien Ch'i knows nothing of artifacts, but we must note that these words come from the nation who has had the Forge of the Ancients spell up since turn 39. Could it be that these comments are but a diversion?

If there is anyone Faerun that does not already know just how potent the Forge of the Ancients is, you should consider the following. FoTA reduces forging costs by a whopping 50% and also is stackable with all other bonuses. But that's not all! This also adds one to every magic path a forger has, making it far, far easier to forge the most difficult artifacts. Make no mistake, the result can be devastating to all other nations in the land, if this spell is allowed to stay up indefinitely.

It should also be obvious that FoTA is but one level beneath that required to forge Artifacts, so to imagine that Atlantis has only just gotten access to artifact forging, seems rather a large stretch, in our humble opinions. Surely a nation with this spell is far, far more capable of forging artifacts than any other nation. If somehow, despite this gargantuan advantage some other nation has managed to deprive Atlanatis of the opportunity to forge all the artifacts, we applaud that nation's efforts!

Now, in the interests of dissemination of information we encourage leaders of all nations to look to the following thread, where the details of FoTA are exposed, as backed by tests: thread. To excerpt a relevant analysis of costs, here is a particular scenario which could easily apply to Atlantis:
Wish said:
so by those standards what I had was 50 + 20 + 25 + 50...

I tested with the gatestone.... normally 65e/65s

after Ancients the gatestone would be 32/32
after the steel oven would make that 25/25
dwarven hammer reduces that by a quarter which is 18/18
forge lord should make that 9/9

but it was 6/6 -- so what happened i think was dwarven + forgerlord were counted as one calculation as 75% so 25/25 became 6/6 after the combined forge bonus.

First note that it is unlikely that any nation other than Atlantis has the hammer of the forge lord. Also, it is entirely plausible to us that Atlantis could well have a steel oven - does any nation (other than Atlantis) know otherwise?

Even if one were to do the same calculation without the steel oven and without the hammer of the forge lord, the gatestone should come out to: 24/24, which is still a dramatic savings, and still a very potent advantage (and likewise a ring of wizardry goes from 65s to 24s).

So, after having said all this, we of T'ien Ch'i hold no particular animosity against Atlantis, beyond the fact of their having cast this very agressive spell. Having had 3+ turns of this spell already represents a large advantage for Atlantis (plenty of time, for example, to forge the gatestone, the forge of the hammer lord, so on and so forth), and they have gained enough advantage from this global already.

We believe it is in the interests of all the nations of Faerun (even those who consider themselves allies of Atlantis) to see this spell cast down, and in the future not to allow its like to stay in effect for more than a single month.

High Priest of Pak Taelin,
T'ien Ch'i
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Old April 1st, 2007, 05:07 PM
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Default Re: Where have all the unique magic items gone?

Hellboy said:
If somehow, despite this gargantuan advantage some other nation has managed to deprive Atlanatis of the opportunity to forge all the artifacts, we applaud that nation's efforts!

We believe it is in the interests of all the nations of Faerun (even those who consider themselves allies of Atlantis) to see this spell cast down, and in the future not to allow its like to stay in effect for more than a single month.

High Priest of Pak Taelin,
T'ien Ch'i
Point 1:- Applaud away then because someone most definately beat me to the unique artifacts and I strongly suspect T'ien Ch'i, given the size of your empire and your many magic paths of your mages.

Ember, Winter Bringer, The Summit, The Stone Sword, Hammer of the Forge Lord, Barrier, the Aegis, Crown of the Ivy King, Boots of Antaeus, Boots of Calius the Druid, The Ruby Eye, Krupps Bracers, Bell of Cleansing, Orb of Atlantis (thats mine, I tell ya ) and loads more all gone. Most certainly not built by Atlantis. I personally think T'ien Ch'i has them but if I am wrong then I am sorry.

Point 2:- Why you T'ien Ch'i would want to organise a dispel of my Forge of the Ancients when I am on the other side of the world I have no idea. Obviously you already see yourself as master of the world, how many wars have T'ien Ch'i diplomats helped start btw?

But go ahead dispel away, I have already used up all my gems forging. Atlantis views this as an act of war by T'ien Ch'i and will dispel any global they try to put up, ever.

Lords of Atlantis.
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Old April 1st, 2007, 05:22 PM
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Default Re: Where have all the unique magic items gone?

The people of Kailasa find these arguments of who can forge what and who can do it better to be most bizarre. Kailasans know that forging is a slave's job.

Through the methods of forging you propose, it is indeed cheap to make a magical artifact. But in kailasa, we find the cheapest way to acquire artifacts is to pry it from the cold dead hands of our enemies. 0 gem cost is indeed nice.

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Old April 1st, 2007, 05:53 PM
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Default Re: Where have all the unique magic items gone?

Guess there's not much point in researching past con-6 then, is there?
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Old April 1st, 2007, 05:56 PM
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Default Re: Where have all the unique magic items gone?

Meglobob said:
Point 2:- Why you T'ien Ch'i would want to organise a dispel of my Forge of the Ancients when I am on the other side of the world I have no idea.
Simply because Forge of the Ancients is a spell that left standing, will lead inexorably to world domination. At this point, we invite the comment of other nations: Has T'ien Ch'i butted in where we don't belong? Would the land of Faerun be better off had T'ien Ch'i simply left well enough alone? Or could it be the case that Forge of the Ancients is truly a spell aimed at world domination, and must be opposed by those who have the resources to do so?

Obviously you already see yourself as master of the world, how many wars have T'ien Ch'i diplomats helped start btw?

We were attacked by Mictlan, and successfully defeated the agressor. After Sauromatia attacked Yomi, we responded to Yomi's request for assistance. When new leadership took over in Sauromatia we accepted their plea for peace (perhaps upsetting Yomi in the process), but we are now at peace with both Yomi and Sauromatia.
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