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Old October 5th, 2009, 08:28 AM
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Default Re: CarCrash - EA Game - CBM - (Running)

I'm not really saying you did anything wrong Calahan. If the roles were reversed I might have done the same as you. But that doesnt change the fact that it was a hollow victory for you given the fact that like it or not you were the only one that knew what the victory conditions were. You can make the case all you want that that the victory conditions were stated and that everyone should know what they are and that is also true. But yet in the end it would seem that You were the only one in the game that still recalled what the victory conditions were. The rest of us were playing as if it was a normal victory by concession game.

The only way it would have been a meaningful victory for you is if the rest of us had known what the victory conditions were. You could have alleviated that by stating in the thread here on the first turn that you believed you qualified for the 50% capital control to give the rest of us time to say "huh? Oh ****! This isnt a concession game?" But you chose not to do that which again who knows Maybe I'd have done the exact same as you. But I have to think that you would have realized "hey I dont think PsiSoldier or the others remember this is a victory point game I'll just keep this under wraps and then surprise them and say Hey I win!!"

Yeah maybe you thought we just didnt have scouts and didnt know but I do and I did, I just didnt care because for the 100th time I didnt realize it wasnt a standard victory by concession game.
So yeah, I'm mad and I cant even say that you did anything wrong because you didnt really. It was a little underhanded for you to have not announced that you intended to claim victory in 3 turns but officially that wasn't a requirement.

All that said I have an offer for you. I am more than willing to put my money where my mouth is. If you want to roll back to the first turn you controlled 7 capitals so that we now all know the conditions and you STILL win Ive got 50 dollars for you via paypal. Or if you want to just continue as with the current turn switch to concession victory and you somehow manage to win Ive got 100 dollars for you. If you loose, you pay nothing. If you win you get a few bucks.

I'm not entirely 100% sure that I can take one of the capitals from you in that short time but I think that 30 Iron Dragons and a few siege golems and several extremely potent SC's might be able to storm one of your forts in short order.

*And for the record.. I am dealing with problems with Tech support with stupid Nero's Liquid TV that isnt working and the bastards are NOT helping me and its not a toll free number and the ****ers keep saying they will call back because they only have one person that knows the Liquid TV and they dont call back and when I finaly got someone who didnt give me that same line they just say "Oh well your Firewall is blocking it" And I UNINSTALLED my fire wall and disabled the firewall in the router. Which I told the idiot that and he's like "Well I dont know what to say, its your firewall" Bahhh!!! So I formated my computer and reinstalled windows to try Liquid TV with a fresh install just on the off chance that something else on my computer was messing with it and it still didnt work and and now for some reason my stupid Ethernet quits working every 4 minutes and I have to reboot to do anything on the internet because I cannot disable and re-enable the connection and so it looks like I'm going to have to format my computer and start over yet again. And to top it all off last night I bought an MP3 player from Newegg and the bastards somehow double charged me causing my account to be overdrawn and I'm facing like 3 30 dollar overdraft charges because of it when I should have money to spare And then had a flat tire on the way to work this morning which I cannot get fixed because I dont have cash until Newegg re-imburses me the money the stole from me which hopefully happens before the bank takes the overdraft charges from my account...

So Yeah... If I sound a little extra pissed in my comments in the thread here I just wanted you to know that its not exactly your fault I'm probably just letting a little bit of that anger from all that **** show up in what I write here. And for that I am very sorry.

Last edited by PsiSoldier; October 5th, 2009 at 08:38 AM..
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Old October 5th, 2009, 11:09 AM
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Default Re: CarCrash - EA Game - CBM - (Running)

oh no, you shouldn't have announced, and 7/14 caps for 3 turns is more than a sufficient and reasonable victory condition whatever the other factors. Just, in general, these sorts of conditions are better w/ an announcement required by the OP in order to avoid drama of the sort we have seen here.
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Old October 5th, 2009, 12:02 PM
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Default Re: CarCrash - EA Game - CBM - (Running)

I don't know archaeo, an announcement doesn't seem fair to the person intending to claim victory. Nor does it seem in the spirit of a 'graphs off' game. Your own damn fault for not remembering the victory conditions and/or not having the scouting to know someone was going to claim the win. The whole point of graphs off is you have to do scouting.
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Old October 5th, 2009, 01:09 PM
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Default Re: CarCrash - EA Game - CBM - (Running)

Originally Posted by Squirrelloid View Post
I don't know archaeo, an announcement doesn't seem fair to the person intending to claim victory. Nor does it seem in the spirit of a 'graphs off' game. Your own damn fault for not remembering the victory conditions and/or not having the scouting to know someone was going to claim the win. The whole point of graphs off is you have to do scouting.
As Ive already said, I HAD scouts and knew darn well how many province's he had but was laboring under the false assumtion that it was a concession game.

Here is my turn file to prove it, the Only 2 capitals that can not be seen on that turn are Yomi's and Neifles and I had previously had scouts at Neifle's cap before we had to move scouts around thanks to some bug that messed up our game, and obviously he had his own capital.

And Of course I know its my own damn fault for not knowing the conditions. What do you think I am an idiot? Irregardless as I say it doesnt change the fact that it was a hollow victory for Calahan because that is the only reason he won was because I had been thinking it was a concession game and not a VP game. If I had known it I'd have have easily stopped him from winning long ago. Him holding a few capitals didnt mean jack diddly squat as far as I was concerned, sure maybe they gave him a few extra gems but I didnt consider it important.
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Old October 5th, 2009, 01:33 PM

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Default Re: CarCrash - EA Game - CBM - (Running)

Well, looking at that turn I'm guessing Calahan can earn himself some quick cash, I don't see anything particularly good on your side of the board.
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Old October 6th, 2009, 02:23 PM

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Default Re: CarCrash - EA Game - CBM - (Running)

I'm surprised the game went on this long, and with this many players alive when the game ended, slow game.

So I guess it was a surprise victory a?
I was well aware that it was a capital victory myself, after Beer game I pay the utmost attention to even remotely possible win contenders.

But I do find it strange when someone wins without a big final ars kicking of your archenemy as a final and undisputed test of might.

P.S. I demand a dagger/nation kill count victory!
It's strange that Pangaea was to be the biggest murderer of them all with all those nations...

And it was damn strange that Calahan and I never went to war given our starting locations, but than again we both had other things to worry about.
Well it was interesting while I was in it...
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Old October 6th, 2009, 04:43 PM
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Default Re: CarCrash - EA Game - CBM - (Running)

I guess this was my version of your Beer game then.. You can bet that it has certainly taught me to always keep the victory conditions at the forefront of my thoughts.

This will never happen to me again. So I did certainly get something out of this game.. Just not what I wanted haha.

Unfortunately my own stupidity or forgetfulness rendered Calahans victory in this game kind of meaningless. So it was more or less a waste of several months Other than teaching me that one very important lesson.
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Old October 6th, 2009, 05:21 PM
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Confused Re: CarCrash - EA Game - CBM - (Running)

Originally Posted by PsiSoldier View Post
Unfortunately my own stupidity or forgetfulness rendered Calahans victory in this game kind of meaningless.
Wait, what?

I've been following this thread with mild intrest, I even looked at your turn, and I must say I'm not impressed. Not at all. You waste huge amount of resources to very very stupid things. If Yomi has done anything, and by ANYTHING AT ALL, more optimized than you, he'll have beat you by a clear margin. You even have Blizzard Valley without a lab, not to mention a fort. Your "armies" seem to be composed of magma children, which can be killed in hundreds with a single indep scout. You have a few wraith lords, empowered in multiple paths. Instead of them, you could've chosen from around 5-10 better sc chassises. Only thing impressive in your game is the amount of clams you have, which would be rendered useless with marginal effort keeping in mind your usage of those pearls. Actually they were somewhat useless to you. You also claim this:

I'm not really saying you did anything wrong Calahan. If the roles were reversed I might have done the same as you.
Roles reversed? That you would have won the game? I think not. You did not even know the victory conditions for this game, hence you couldn't have won it.

Just my 2p, or should I say, my 2 astral pearls.
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Old October 6th, 2009, 06:20 PM
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Default Re: CarCrash - EA Game - CBM - (Running)

Originally Posted by Quitti View Post
Roles reversed? That you would have won the game? I think not. You did not even know the victory conditions for this game, hence you couldn't have won it.

Just my 2p, or should I say, my 2 astral pearls.
No you goof.. I mean if the roles were reversed and I had been in Calahans position and he in mine. What the hell do you think that means???

Actually I was thinking about going for a Dominion victory if it had been a concession game.

Calahan had hardly any temples and with my number of clams I would have started summoning about 20+ Juggernaughts per turn. (But of course if it HAD been a concession game I'm sure Calahan WOULD have built temples, but seeing as how it was VP game there was really no need for him to have built any so thats not really a true weakness on Calahans part, just one that I falsely perceived him to have)

Ive never actually seen a Dominion victory in a map that size But regardless It would have allowed me to push out with the large number of Immortals I had instead of simply using them for defense. And if anyone doubts the power of those Empowered Wraith Lords I could probably look back and find a turn or two with them singlehandedly wiping out large enemy armies. (Something which I note would be stupid to do without securing a proper retreat path because you never know for sure if you can kill an entire army within the 50 round limit of a battle, and Immortals dont seem to be Immortal if they die in retreat even with friendly dominion from my past experiences with that) Lingchih could probably attest to the annoyance factor of empowered wraith lords and he went nearly insane in Faltering Steps trying to hunt down just ONE empowered Wraith Lord. So I'd like to hear someone here tell Lingchih that an empowered wraith lord isn't that good...

Originally Posted by Lingchih View Post
Yeah, I think my hatred of that wraithlord has made me a bit irrational towards him. That was a waste of a good S mage.
I have no idea how effective the "Hidden in Dust" spell would have really been but I was toying around with that which I could have cast about 4 or 5 times per turn. I had just started doing that a few turns before the end and wish I had gotten to see those undead in a few battles. But I thought it'd be more fun than casting Earth attack 30 times a turn or summoning a bunch more Iron dragons. And given that Calahan seemed to like summoning a lot of undead in his forts I thought it would be fun to fight his undead with better undead.

Of course what no one can see from looking at the turn file is the fact that the other 3 nations had joined my side So Calahan would indeed have been swarmed by all of us as he had feared.

Anyways Congrats on the win Calahan. Sorry I kinda screwed up the end of the game as I did. I'm sure it would have been a lot more interesting otherwise.

Last edited by PsiSoldier; October 6th, 2009 at 06:27 PM..
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