1) Create a modfolder within your SE4 folder.
2) extract "Pirates&" into the modfolder
3) Change your "path.txt" to point to your new modfolder
4) When creating your own race, choose one of "Regular", "Pirate" or "Nomadic".
If you choose "Pirate", also select characteristics of -9% reproduction, -50% environment resist, -50% trade, and -50% physical strength (ground combat).
These characteristics will ensure you have a truly "piratey" adventure!
I haven't created any EMPs for the AIs yet, you'll just have to start random games and save the empires yourself.
Those with Modded AIs
A few clicks of my AI patcher can get your race working with P&N v2, even v1, or the original Pirates Mod (no nomads).
You'll naturally want to tweak it, but the patcher can save you the boring work.
- Big changes to propulsion, folks... keep a close eye on the speed readout as you design your ships, or you may get a nasty surprise when you try to move your ship! Bigger ships
require more engines to move.
- Relating to the above, radioactives are now just as important as minerals, and organic races make use of all three fairly equally.
- Again relating to the propulsion thing, Solar Sails now provide standard movement, not bonus. They are somewhat slower than engines, but they do not waste any supplies. You can make sailing ships go pretty much as fast as you want, at the expense of usefulness.
- Phased Weapons have changed bigtime! Researching phased weapons will get you nothing on its own. Research energy pulse, torpedos, and/or missiles to get phased firepower.
- Accuracy bonuses for weapons are now shown as an ability!
- "Living ships" racial trait gives you new command & control components.
Phased planetary shields are back! V1.41 P-MPSGs worked! Unfortunately, I couldn't get them to regenerate.
- Mine warheads come in come new types, including Ion, Tachyon, and Null-space!
- Mental Singularity generator now has a Quad2shields damage type.
- Ramming warheads have a Quad2Shields damage type.
BattleMoons!!! What would you do with 10MT of space? Conveniently impervious to allegiance subverters (but not Boarding Parties), and the size of a small moon. Core mounts for this beast increas a weapon's size 50 times! Ever wanted to see a deathstar-style beam blow away a planet? Try a Core-Mount WaveMotionGun! WOooOOM! 11,000 damage to your target! Heehee
Massive mount guns seem SO wussy now.
Bwa hahaaha!.
Do watch out for the loan sharks, cause one of these will cost you a fortune in addons.
At least the shipyard worker's union will be happy about a 5-year guarantee of job security
- Whew! Also, there are a lot of goodies that have shown up not-so-recently, and were included in P&N v1.6, such as crossover racial techs. Take two or more at the same time, and get extra cool stuff!
If you find any bugs, please mention them in these forums, and I'll get squashin'.
Enjoy! -
Nick Dumas
The latest
Pirates & Nomads.
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