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Old July 17th, 2002, 10:14 PM
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Default Re: Feature request: Build queue change for SE5

Skulky, I was not suggesting the mod as an alternative to the multiple queue idea. I was merely thrwoing that out as a posibility for those that like the SEIII system. I was thinking of it as a mod, not as the standard way of doing things.

Originally posted by Krsqk:
SEIII's system worked because both repairs and damage were measured in components. SEIV's current system is a bit in-between; we repair per component, but build and destroy by kt. If the build system was changed to repair purchased ships instead of building, you'd have the problems with instant stellar manip comps.
I don't get what you are saying. How is the instant stellar manip comp any differant with the SEIII system or my hypothetical SEIV "SEIII Mod" modified build system.

Unless you are saying that in SEIV multiple repair comps or construction queues can cooperate to repair the components on the ship after being refit. While in SEIII one yard worked on one ship, although you could have more than one yard on one space Yard ship, each yard could only build or repair one ship at a time. Is that your complaint? Cause if that's not it I don't see much effective difference between the two.

EDIT: An actually, IIRC wasn't SEIII build and repair not by component, but by "spaces"? And damage was calculated by some "hitpoint" formula, where different components had different number of hitpoints before being destroyed. Sounds like tonnage and structure with the current system. Same kind of calculation, just different nubmers. But what is very different is repair. Because in SEIV that is by component, regardless of relative size of the componsents.

Ok, I see what you mean now. You mispoke, but what you were trying to say is correct. Because a component in SEIII that was several "spaces", would be evivalent to one in SEIV that was more tonnage. While SEIII repaired a space at a time, SEIV repairs a 100 ton comp at the same speed at a 10 ton comp.

In effect, the SEIV system is not "in between" but the exact opposite of the SEIII system. If one treats "spaces" the same way you treat "Tonnage". Which in effect they are the same. They are both units of relative mass, just different units. While comparing Spaces/Tonnage to Components is apples to oranges because there you are trying to compare size to number. It doesn't work.


[ July 17, 2002, 21:28: Message edited by: geoschmo ]
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Old July 19th, 2002, 02:40 AM
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Default Re: Feature request: Build queue change for SE5

-- Sean
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Old July 19th, 2002, 03:48 AM
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Default Re: Feature request: Build queue change for SE5

No... ships were built by component. Damage was done by component. One point of damage destroyed one component. The number of components was based on "spaces". A ship with smaller components could take more damage than a ship with larger components.
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Old July 19th, 2002, 04:21 AM
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Default Re: Feature request: Build queue change for SE5

Really? I don't remember it that way, but honestly it's been a long time since I played SEIII. That was pretty aweful compared to the current system don't you think? Or am I missing something.

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Old July 21st, 2002, 06:31 AM
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Default Re: Feature request: Build queue change for SE5

-- Sean
-- GMPax

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Old July 22nd, 2002, 03:04 AM
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Default Re: Feature request: Build queue change for SE5


80% (20 votes) in favor.
20% (5 votes) against.
-- Sean
-- GMPax

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