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Old October 17th, 2013, 06:40 PM

PvtJoker PvtJoker is offline
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Default Soviet OOB11 corrections and suggestions

Minor corrections and suggestions to Soviet OOB:

There is an inconsistency with how the machine gun turrets are modelled: T-28 (Unit 020 etc.) has BMG's, but T-35 (Unit 021 etc) has TMGs. I think the latter is more closer to the truth (the turrets had hatches with enabled to gunner to view outside if needed), but at least it should be consistent.

Units 001, 002, 003, 095, 101 etc. see the discussion about armor values in the "Finnish OOB35 Corrections and Suggestions PART 2 -- Units" thread. In addition, many BT-7a tanks had an AAMG as well.

Unit 020 T-28 M1938: see the thread mentioned above for armor protection. Also, many had an AAMG mount, so an additional variant with a DT AAMG could be added. The MG turret weapons could be combined to a single weapon similar to Unit 021 to allow adding of the AAMG.

Unit 006 T-40: suggest giving the Weapon 152 AP Pen value 2 to simulate the B-32 API bullet (penetration about 20mm at 100 meters), and transferring at least 40 rounds to AP. Further suggest making a new variant starting Jan 1942 with Sabot, and of course also add Sabot value to Weapon 152 with Penetration 3. This is to simulate the tungsten-core BS (also called BS-41) API bullet, which was a 12.7mm version of the bullet used with the 14.5mm ATRs. The BS was NOT an APCR projectile but a conventional AP bullet with tungsten-carbide core instead of hardened steel core, so it had the same muzzle velocity and effective range (actually slightly better) as normal steel core AP bullets (increased weight of the projectile was compensated by adding more propellant).

Unit 007 T-60 M1941 etc.: the 20mm ammo count was 780 rounds, so 75 engagements is on the low side.

Unit 008 T-70 M1942 etc: the original T-70, which this is supposed to be, carried only 70 rounds for the 45mm gun. The M1943 carried 94.

Unit 035 SU-122: according to http://www.battlefield.ru/sp-guns-specs.html carried 40 rounds for the howitzer. HEAT became available only in May 1943 according to the same website.

Unit 335 T-40S: the correct name for this tank would be T-40 "030" or T-30. The T-40S had the same armament as the original T-40, but deleted amphibious capability. Production of the T-40S started a couple of months earlier than T-30. Armor was not increased as such (construction was changed to all welded), so it should be the same as Unit 006 for all T-40 variants. Speed should also be the same. All of these tanks were officially called just T-40; the "030" was the factory index of a T-40 with a 20mm TNSh AC. T-30 seems to have been the most popular contemporary name for this variant. T-40S is an unofficial post-WW2 designation. Ammunition load was 750 rounds of 20mm ammo, so even with longish 7.5 round bursts we would get 75 "engagements" (currently only 44). More standard 5 round bursts would give 150 engagements.

Weapon 011 37mm ZP obr 39: Armor penetration 51mm at 300 meters, so at least 6 in game terms. (http://www.battlefield.ru/61k/stranitsa-2.html)

Weapon 37mm L46 B-3: a copy of the 3,7 cm PaK 35/35, so AP Pen 4 is implausibly low. See also: http://www.battlefield.ru/b3-1930.html, which would indicate at least 50mm penetration at 100 meters. The PaK 35/36 was not such a high tech gun that the Soviets could have somehow failed in copying it (or its ammo).

Weapon 033 76.2mm obr 39: max. range 13,290 meters (203)

Weapon 036 76mm obr 00/02: max. range 8,800 meters (176)

Weapon 037 76mm obr 02/30: max. range 13,500 meters (204), assuming L/40 version. The earlier L/30 version, still used in WW2, had a max. range of 10,600 meters (201)

Weapons 048 & 050: almost same muzzle velocity, same ammunition, same penetration. The AP Pen 8 given to L-11 is probably closer to the truth.

Weapon 054 76mm L51 obr 36: max. range 13,500-14,000 meters, 204 in game terms, anyways.

Weapon 059 107mm M1910/30: max. range about 16 km (206).

Weapon 060 76.2mm M1942 FG: max. range 13,290 meters (203)

Weapon 068 100mm D10 Gun: AP Pen 16, while other Soviet 100mm guns have 18. The 100mm ammunition did improve after the war, but according to http://www.battlefield.ru/d10/stranitsa-2.html the basic BR-412 could already penetrate much more than 160mm at muzzle (about 175mm extrapolated).

Weapon 071 105mm obr 37 IG: judging from the image of Unit 356, this is a captured 10,5 cm leFH 18M. The max. range of that piece was 12,325 meters (202). It isn't available as off-map artillery in the current OOB, but better to correct it anyways.

Weapon 074 122mm obr 10/30: max. range 8,900 meters (178)

Weapon 081 152mm L32ML-20S: penetration with (S)APHE ammunition about 135mm (14) at 100 meters, slightly more with APCB available since late 1944. I don't know if the APCB penetration is enough for AP Pen 15 in the game. Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/152_mm_...37_%28ML-20%29

Weapon 084 Satchel Charge: has unrealistically high WH Size, HE Pen and HE Kill for a charge carried by hand. Compare to German OOB Weapon 229.

Weapon 136 PTRD obr 41 ATR: had sights only up to 1000 meters. However, ballistics were the same as PTRS (Weapon 143). It already has a lower accuracy than barrel length (1350mm) would give it, so in my opinion you can give it the same range as PTRS. Giving them different ranges makes no sense and neither does the current range 14 (see below).

Weapon 143 PTRS obr 41 ATR: had adjustable sights up to 1,500 meters (30). Current range 14 also means that penetration beyond 250 meters is unrealistically low (ballistically the 14.5mm bullets were/are superior to 12.7mm bullets).

Weapon 210 25mm ZP obr 40: muzzle velocity was 900 m/s, so AP Pen 2 is unrealistically low. Although I have no penetration test data for this gun, it is pretty safe and quite conservative to assume AP Pen 4 with that kind of MV and 25mm projectile.

Suggestion: add 152mm M1909/30 Howitzer (name could be 152mm obr 09/30) and corresponding on map units. This was the most numerous 152mm howitzer of the Red Army almost until the end of the war. Max. range 9,500 meters by Jaeger Platoon (http://www.jaegerplatoon.net/ARTILLERY6.htm), 8,850m by Wikipedia.

Last edited by PvtJoker; October 18th, 2013 at 07:48 AM.. Reason: Added weapon Weapon 071 historical max. range


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