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Old October 2nd, 2010, 03:22 PM

RERomine RERomine is offline
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Default Re: DAR: USSR vs. Germany - Tikuin, USSR

Turn 16

One more enemy tank destroyed. My infantry immobilized the enemy armored car in the road and got the crew to bail. Artillery falling on the center of my infantry line with smoke dropping in my south tank position. Enemy infantry tried pushing out of the woods, but got hammered by my tanks. One other squad moved forward near the north flank, but also got hammered.

More enemy counter battery fire. All I can do is try to hold out. The ME-109 came back, hitting the same area of my tank line. No damamge.


Friendly: Zero.

Enemy: 1xPzKw 39b(t) tank destroyed. Estimated 10 casualties.
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 03:44 PM

RERomine RERomine is offline
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Default Re: DAR: USSR vs. Germany - Tikuin, USSR

Turn 17

Destroyed enemy light tank and threw back a platoon of infantry. More infantry seems to be moving forward, so I'm going to move my south tank group out of the way. They are bathed in smoke right now and the enemy could walk right up to them and attack.

Enemy mortars hitting my north tank line. Heavy fire hitting my infantry line and counter battery got an ammo truck.


Friendly: 1xAmmo Truck destroyed.

Enemy: 1xPzKw Ib tank destroyed. Estimated 15 casualties.
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 03:57 PM

RERomine RERomine is offline
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Default Re: DAR: USSR vs. Germany - Tikuin, USSR

Turn 18

I'm pulling all my tanks back. They are just at risk of being hit by artillery and infantry sitting out there. All the enemy seems to have left is infantry and my line should be able to deal with them. My tanks will still be available to provide support if needed also. Took a few shots at some infantry on while pulling back. Enemy armored cars started pushing the flank of the infantry line and opened up on one of my scouts. I have no clue how they knew they were there.

Mortar fire on my north tank line. Heavy artillery and smoke on the center of my infantry line. Counter battery fire against one of my 82mm mortars.


Friendly: Zero.

Enemy: Estimated 5 casualties.
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 04:13 PM

RERomine RERomine is offline
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Default Re: DAR: USSR vs. Germany - Tikuin, USSR

Turn 19

Opened up on the enemy armored cars with my scouts to button them up and sent a couple of tanks to finish them off. The rest of my tanks, north and south are pulling back. The north group is going a little slower to make sure the advanced tank company doesn't get left behind and cut off, but I don't really know what the enemy would cut them off with.

More heavy artillery fire into my infantry line. Not much I can but take it. Coming out of their holes now would be suicide.

Counter battery suppressed one of my mortars. The rest are fine.


Friendly: 1 casualty.

Enemy: 1xSdKfz 231(6) and 1xSdKfz 231(8) armored cars destroyed.
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 04:31 PM

RERomine RERomine is offline
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Default Re: DAR: USSR vs. Germany - Tikuin, USSR

Turn 20

North tanks mostly pulled back into the woods. One company stumbed across another enemy armored car trying to push around the line of obstacles. It was quickly dispatched. I'm going to move one company behind the infantry line so it can support the line with its guns if needed. The other three companies will seal the flank from their starting positions.

South group is going to swing down to the south edge and try to push into the enemy rear area. I could have done this with the north group, but the ground is too open and liable to have more infantry around.

Incoming mail still hitting the center of my infantry line. The 109 came back, hitting one of my AAMGs. At least I got to shoot at him this time.


Friendly: Zero.

Enemy: 1xSdKfz 221 armored car destroyed.
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 04:41 PM

RERomine RERomine is offline
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Default Re: DAR: USSR vs. Germany - Tikuin, USSR

Turn 21

Tanks up north are all in the woods. In a few more turns, they will have returned to their starting position. One tank from the company moving to the center had a tank immobilized by artillery.

South group has three enemy Mk IIf tanks heading toward them. This would be unlucky for the enemy.

Infantry line still taking artillery fire, but more is falling forward of the mines than actually on the line. This will make life difficult for any approaching enemy infantry. One did get shot at by one of my squads through a gap in the smoke. No casualties on either side.


Friendly: Zero.

Enemy: Zero.
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 04:53 PM

RERomine RERomine is offline
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Default Re: DAR: USSR vs. Germany - Tikuin, USSR

Turn 22

Enemy targeting scout with heavy artillery. No damage, but I'm sure they aren't happy.

Four enemy tanks destroyed by south group and one more damaged. It won't survive the turn. As soon as I saw them, I sent one company straight at them. My heavy tanks will support them for now, while the remaining company tries to push through. They spotted an enemy squad to their southwest, but I think it was the one I shot at about 10 turns ago.

Some enemy pioneers have made it to my line of mines. I don't see them, but picked up the report some mines have been cleared.


Friendly: Zero.

Enemy: 4xPzKw IIf tanks destroyed.
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 05:18 PM

RERomine RERomine is offline
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Default Re: DAR: USSR vs. Germany - Tikuin, USSR

Turn 23

Artillery still hitting scout unit. They are still holding fast.

One more enemy tank destroyed by south group. One company came on line, just in case more tanks come through. Other company continuing to move to the southwest and jumped all over the enemy squad there.

Roughly two enemy platoons pushing on the north central part of my infantry line. Heavy artillery also hitting that section of the line, but they still fired on the approaching enemy. My company of tanks in nearby, but can't move up with all the artillery right now. I plotted mortars on the enemy, which should hit next turn. The ME-109 came back and also hit infantry in this section of my line.


Friendly: Estimated 5 casualties.

Enemy: 1xPzKw IIf tank destroyed. Estimated 10 casualties.
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 05:40 PM

RERomine RERomine is offline
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Default Re: DAR: USSR vs. Germany - Tikuin, USSR

Turn 24

They are still pounding my scout. It really is a waste of steel on a 3-man unit. The armored cars got one of the men the turn they died.

Both tank companies of the south group are moving forward again. One is moving west and the other southwest. I jumped all over the infantry squad to the southwest and found another to the south. I'm pulling my heavy tanks back to help cover that area while my tanks push forward. They are too slow for this type of advance anyhow.

There is a full enemy company heading to the north central part of my infantry line. They are getting hit pretty hard. Between small arms from the line and mortar fire, a lot went down. My tanks positioned to the rear of the line, but out of the impact zone of the enemy artillery. They are still dropping rounds on the light, but it has slacked up a bit. One thing I didn't quite intend was my HQ and FO are in the middle of this fighting and right on the line.


Friendly: Zero.

Enemy: Estimated 25 casualties.
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Old October 2nd, 2010, 06:01 PM

RERomine RERomine is offline
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Default Re: DAR: USSR vs. Germany - Tikuin, USSR

Turn 25

Destroyed on tank trying to sneak around the right flank of my infantry line.

South tanks starting to sight enemy mortars. Put a few rounds into the revetment of one, but no damage.

Holding enemy infantry at bay so far. Incoming mail shifted down the line some, which helps me. The point of the line in contact with their infantry isn't getting hit anymore. Enemy infantry hit with small arms, mortars and tanks. I moved my tanks up to where they could fire. Another company coming up from the north flank as well, leaving two companies to watch the flank.


Friendly: Zero.

Enemy: 1xPzKw IIIh tank destroyed. Estimated 15 casualties.

Last edited by RERomine; October 2nd, 2010 at 06:23 PM..
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