Originally Posted by Lingchih
Summon animals gets you, well, animals. Which are low hp and not all that useful.
Drakes are kind of a joke among experienced players. But I've used them, and they do serve their purpose. Fire drakes are probably the best, but Cave drakes are tough, and do not usually rout.
just wondering why you say drakes are a joke. with dragon master they're very cost efficient, but well you'll need the proper mages, so not as easily accessible for some nations. still, they're very cheap and good at what they do, being meat shields and having a decent artillery power(fire+ice drakes only) oh and the wyrms(also affected by dragon master) can fly, so they're great bodyguards for flying thugs...
as for the OP, what to summon greatly depends on your nation's magic access, and well luck in site searching too... there are plenty of viable summons to amass, from said drakes to snakes, lions(4 types, 1 for each season), trolls(land and sea), vine men+ogres, manifest vitriols(the new lion on alteration instead of the standard conjuration), etc. oh and there are the blood and undead summons too if you have access to them... so yeah, plenty of options, very nation dependent...