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Old April 7th, 2010, 10:36 AM
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Default Re: New HoF brain storm

Progress Update:

-> Hadrian_II is filling the DB. So far he has entered the first 6 pages of the HoF.

-> Code for parsing the DB and generating the players HoF is ready. Next are nations wins per era and finishes for pretty prints.
here's an ugly sample of the current debug prints running on current DB:

2010-04-07 17:26:15,099 dom3_hof_mgr DEBUG Player 1 in list: 
Player Info:
Name: Micah
Number of Victories: 3
Number of Defeated Nations: 45
Nations won with: {'EA Helheim': 1, 'LA Marignon': 1, 'MA Shinuyama': 1}
Victories per era: {'EA': 1, 'MA': 1, 'LA': 1}
Victories URLs: {'Undertow': 'unknown', 'Tempest': 'unknown', 'The End of time': 'unknown'}

2010-04-07 17:26:15,099 dom3_hof_mgr DEBUG Player 2 in list: 
Player Info:
Name: Jurri
Number of Victories: 2
Number of Defeated Nations: 33
Nations won with: {'EA Caelum': 1, 'LA Mictlan': 1}
Victories per era: {'EA': 1, 'LA': 1}
Victories URLs: {'Dawnstrike': 'unknown', 'Dawggie does Dominions': 'unknown'}

2010-04-07 17:26:15,099 dom3_hof_mgr DEBUG Player 3 in list: 
Player Info:
Name: Wraithlord
Number of Victories: 2
Number of Defeated Nations: 26
Nations won with: {'MA Pythium': 1, 'EA Caelum': 1}
Victories per era: {'EA': 1, 'MA': 1}
Victories URLs: {'Frechdachs Gangbang (aka Jinxed Frechdachs)': 'unknown', 'Wrath of Opposing Fates (WOOF)': 'unknown'}

2010-04-07 17:26:15,099 dom3_hof_mgr DEBUG Player 4 in list: 
Player Info:
Name: Calmon
Number of Victories: 2
Number of Defeated Nations: 25
Nations won with: {'LA Ermor': 1, 'MA Ermor': 1}
Victories per era: {'MA': 1, 'LA': 1}
Victories URLs: {'The Quick and the Dead': 'unknown', 'Faerun MA PBEM': 'unknown'}

2010-04-07 17:26:15,099 dom3_hof_mgr DEBUG Player 5 in list: 
Player Info:
Name: Jazzepi
Number of Victories: 2
Number of Defeated Nations: 23
Nations won with: {"LA T'ien Ch'i": 1, "EA T'ien Ch'i": 1}
Victories per era: {'EA': 1, 'LA': 1}
Victories URLs: {'Epiphany': 'unknown', 'Ragnarok': 'unknown'}

2010-04-07 17:26:15,100 dom3_hof_mgr DEBUG Player 6 in list: 
Player Info:
Name: Baalz
Number of Victories: 1
Number of Defeated Nations: 21
Nations won with: {"MA R'lyeh": 1}
Victories per era: {'MA': 1}
Victories URLs: {'Afterthought': 'unknown'}

2010-04-07 17:26:15,100 dom3_hof_mgr DEBUG Player 7 in list: 
Player Info:
Name: Ironhawk
Number of Victories: 1
Number of Defeated Nations: 20
Nations won with: {'MA Pythium': 1}
Victories per era: {'MA': 1}
Victories URLs: {'Concept of Creation': 'unknown'}

2010-04-07 17:26:15,100 dom3_hof_mgr DEBUG Player 8 in list: 
Player Info:
Name: Amhazair
Number of Victories: 1
Number of Defeated Nations: 16
Nations won with: {'EA Helheim': 1}
Victories per era: {'EA': 1}
Victories URLs: {'The Middle Way': 'unknown'}
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Old April 7th, 2010, 02:49 PM
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Default Re: New HoF brain storm

I have two questions.

1. Should team game wins be counted towards HoF (i.e. a team of two that wins get's 0.5 point each)?
2. How should ties be counted?- ignored or victory equally distributed. Say game is three fold tied - does each winner get 1/3 point?

And boy now the DB is much larger the nation wins statistics becomes very interesting. I can see in them patterns that I weren't aware of before.
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Old April 7th, 2010, 03:38 PM
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Default Re: New HoF brain storm

I think team games should be counted in a separate HoF, as team games play differently. Duels could be counted separately for the same reason.
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Old April 7th, 2010, 04:05 PM

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Default Re: New HoF brain storm

I think Tyrant was counting ties as partial wins, ie 2 person tie= .5 win for both.
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Old April 8th, 2010, 11:47 AM
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Default Re: New HoF brain storm

ok. I'll be consistent with Tyrant's HoF.
For ties 1 victory point will be distributed equally between the winners.
Team games will just be listed and not factored into HoF.

BTW, my report generation engine is 90% done (and ain't Python great - I got to use some nifty idioms ).
It's missing some small touches and finishes. When the DB is complete I'll start a new HoF thread with the updated standings.

I invite all who cares to double check that no mistakes have fallen in the DB. I can even attach the current one already.
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Old April 8th, 2010, 01:39 PM
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Default Re: New HoF brain storm

List victorious nations, but not players.
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Old April 8th, 2010, 06:08 PM

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Default Re: New HoF brain storm

Originally Posted by Juffos View Post
List victorious nations, but not players.
Is that a suggestion? If it is, I'd just like to say that I think listing victorious players is an excellent way of rewarding people for their hard work, and helps with the winnowing of information to a degree.
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Old April 8th, 2010, 07:50 PM
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Default Re: New HoF brain storm

Trum, if you are rewarding people for their hard work, then you're encouraging people to work hard instead of just having fun. It's a game! If it feels like work, you're doing it wrong. IMNSHO, of course.
Whether he submitted the post, or whether he did not, made no difference. The Thought Police would get him just the same. He had committed— would still have committed, even if he had never set pen to paper— the essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it. Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever.
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Old April 14th, 2010, 09:15 AM
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Default Re: New HoF brain storm

Update. Here's the nations score pretty print, based on same incomplete DB. I use float b/c I factored ties as partial wins.

Victorious Nations

All Age Mega Game
Winners: Zeldor - Game:Kingmaker - Players: 63 - Nation: LA Argatha - Mods: custom


EA Helheim : 3.000000
EA T'ien Ch'i : 2.333333
EA Caelum : 2.000000
EA Lanka : 2.000000
EA Ulm : 2.000000
EA Niefelheim : 2.000000
EA Sauromatia : 2.000000
EA Fomoria : 2.000000
EA Vanheim : 1.000000
EA Pangaea : 1.000000
EA R'lyeh : 1.000000
EA Marveni : 1.000000
EA Agartha : 1.000000
EA Oceania : 0.333333
EA Yomi : 0.333333


MA Pythium : 3.000000
MA Shinuyama : 3.000000
MA Pangaea : 2.500000
MA Ulm : 2.333333
MA R'lyeh : 2.000000
MA Abysia : 2.000000
MA Marignon : 1.500000
MA Jotunheim : 1.000000
MA Ermor : 1.000000
MA Oceania : 1.000000
MA C'tis : 1.000000
MA Man : 1.000000
MA Ulm Reborn : 1.000000
MA Arcoscephale : 1.000000
MA Machaka : 0.333333
MA Man : 0.333333


LA Ermor : 4.000000
LA R'lyeh : 3.000000
LA Agartha : 1.000000
LA Mictlan : 1.000000
LA T'ien Ch'i : 1.000000
LA Marignon : 1.000000
LA Ulm Reborn : 1.000000
LA Utgard : 1.000000
LA Pythium : 1.000000
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Old April 14th, 2010, 09:42 AM
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Default Re: New HoF brain storm

And here's the HoF:

The Hall of Honor


Winner(s): Jurri -game: Dawnstrike - Players: 18 - Nations(s): EA Caelum
Winner(s): Corwin -game: Graeme Dice EA - Players: 8 - Nations(s): EA T'ien Ch'i
Winner(s): thejeff -game: Newb EA Aran - Players: 8 - Nations(s): EA Vanheim
Winner(s): K -game: Newb EA Tyrande - Players: 5 - Nations(s): EA Lanka
Winner(s): johnarryn -game: War is Hell - Players: 8 - Nations(s): EA Ulm
Winner(s): LoloMo -game: Mana Burn - Players: 15 - Nations(s): EA Pangaea
Winner(s): Amhazair -game: The Middle Way - Players: 16 - Nations(s): EA Helheim
Winner(s): WraithLord -game: Wrath of Opposing Fates (WOOF) - Players: 12 - Nations(s): EA Caelum
Winner(s): Jazzepi -game: Ragnarok - Players: 12 - Nations(s): EA T'ien Ch'i
Winner(s): Micah -game: Tempest - Players: 21 - Nations(s): EA Helheim
Winner(s): Jazzepi -game: Happy Days - Players: 11 - Nations(s): EA Niefelheim
Winner(s): RicoRico -game: Clash of The Newbies - Players: 6 - Nations(s): EA Sauromatia
Winner(s): Jurri -game: BARK - Players: 14 - Nations(s): EA R'lyeh
Winner(s): Micah -game: Dolphin - Players: 15 - Nations(s): EA Ulm
Winner(s): Snacktime,Sum1Won,Warhammer -game: Mara - Players: 8 - Nations(s): EA Oceania,EA Yomi,EA T'ien Ch'i
Winner(s): DrPraetorious -game: Sophistry - Players: 21 - Nations(s): EA Niefelheim
Winner(s): Calmon -game: Consecrated Ground - Players: 10 - Nations(s): EA Helheim
Winner(s): Izzyz -game: Chupacabra - Players: 8 - Nations(s): EA Marveni
Winner(s): Szumo -game: DoomChicken - Players: 12 - Nations(s): EA Agartha
Winner(s): Micah -game: Rand - Players: 18 - Nations(s): EA Fomoria
Winner(s): djo -game: Solstice - Players: 8 - Nations(s): EA Fomoria
Winner(s): ano -game: War of Dominion - Players: 12 - Nations(s): EA Lanka
Winner(s): Kadelake -game: Strolling - Players: 13 - Nations(s): EA Sauromatia


Winner(s): Ironhawk -game: Concept of Creation - Players: 20 - Nations(s): MA Pythium
Winner(s): Tyrant -game: Middle Aged -MA- - Players: 8 - Nations(s): MA Marignon
Winner(s): Micah -game: Undertow - Players: 12 - Nations(s): MA Shinuyama
Winner(s): Teraswaerto -game: neZ - Players: 8 - Nations(s): MA Jotunheim
Winner(s): WraithLord -game: Frechdachs Gangbang (aka Jinxed Frechdachs) - Players: 14 - Nations(s): MA Pythium
Winner(s): Calmon -game: Faerun MA PBEM - Players: 17 - Nations(s): MA Ermor
Winner(s): Evilhomer -game: Slow 10 player game - Players: 10 - Nations(s): MA Oceania
Winner(s): CUnknown -game: Invisible Swarm - Players: 7 - Nations(s): MA Ulm
Winner(s): Ewierl -game: Dark Matter - Players: 12 - Nations(s): MA Pangaea
Winner(s): Baalz -game: Afterthought - Players: 21 - Nations(s): MA R'lyeh
Winner(s): solo,Twan,Meglobob -game: Middle Era, Cradle of Dominion - Players: 10 - Nations(s): MA Ulm, MA Machaka, MA Man
Winner(s): Szumo -game: Jaguar - Players: 9 - Nations(s): MA R'lyeh
Winner(s): Llamabeast,Xietor -game: Alpaca - Players: 11 - Nations(s): MA Pangaea,MA Marignon
Winner(s): WraithLord -game: Dagur - Players: 8 - Nations(s): MA Pythium
Winner(s): Xietor -game: Epic Heroes - Players: 12 - Nations(s): MA Shinuyama
Winner(s): Micah -game: Rico's Casual PBEM game - Players: 16 - Nations(s): MA Abysia
Winner(s): Shuma -game: SmokyBat - Players: 14 - Nations(s): MA Shinuyama
Winner(s): Amhazair -game: Armadillo - Players: 21 - Nations(s): MA C'tis
Winner(s): FAJ -game: Atla - Players: 7 - Nations(s): MA Abysia
Winner(s): Cor2 -game: Version 3.08 Newbie game - Players: 8 - Nations(s): MA Man
Winner(s): Baalz -game: Bragi - Players: 8 - Nations(s): MA Pangaea
Winner(s): WraithLord -game: Hydrant - Players: 15 - Nations(s): MA Ulm
Winner(s): Llamabeast -game: Marmoset - Players: 8 - Nations(s): MA Ulm Reborn
Winner(s): Twan -game: King of the Isle - Players: 12 - Nations(s): MA Arcoscephale


Winner(s): Meglobob -game: ImpendingIndustry - Players: 8 - Nations(s): LA Agartha
Winner(s): Jurri -game: Dawggie does Dominions - Players: 15 - Nations(s): LA Mictlan
Winner(s): Calmon -game: The Quick and the Dead - Players: 8 - Nations(s): LA Ermor
Winner(s): Jazzepi -game: Epiphany - Players: 11 - Nations(s): LA T'ien Ch'i
Winner(s): Micah -game: The End of time - Players: 12 - Nations(s): LA Marignon
Winner(s): Ramiro -game: Hidden sings - Players: 13 - Nations(s): LA Ermor
Winner(s): Xox -game: Shadow People - Players: 8 - Nations(s): LA R'lyeh
Winner(s): Hullu -game: Veturi LA - Players: 7 - Nations(s): LA Ermor
Winner(s): Evilhomer -game: Discordia - Players: 18 - Nations(s): LA R'lyeh
Winner(s): Tuidjy -game: NeoXekinima - Players: 7 - Nations(s): LA Ulm Reborn
Winner(s): Meglobob -game: Starfall - Players: 13 - Nations(s): LA Ermor
Winner(s): Kadelake -game: Suricate - Players: 9 - Nations(s): LA Utgard
Winner(s): Ironhawk -game: Epotara - Players: 17 - Nations(s): LA Pythium
Winner(s): Amhazair -game: Sloth - Players: 19 - Nations(s): LA R'lyeh
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