Is it possible to tie the flag values to the value of the forces fighting for them? The value of the objective flags, specifically in "meeting engagements" are so low they aren't worth fighting for most of the time. It really depends on the force values involved, but those force values seem to be much higher as battle dates approach present dates or future dates.
From the game guide for
Meeting Engagements:
Both sides advance and try to take the various victory hexes on the map, dealing out casualties to the enemy whilst trying to reduce their own. Both sides get the same points to buy troops. Victory points per hex tend to be low, so points scored for destruction of units tends to be as equally important as taking objective hexes. 3 objectives deep in each sides own area are pointed relatively high, to reward a deep thrust into enemy territory if the shotgun type of victory hex assignment is used. NB- Victory hexes can overlap thus adding their value, there may not always be 21 visible.
In my opinion, the intent isn't being met, i.e. the objectives are rarely as important as destroying enemy units. I will explain. In WinSPWW2, grouped objectives in a "meeting engagement" cost 65 points each. There are 21 of them for a total of 1365 points. A battalion sized force can run around 4,000 points, depending on what nation is involved. Objectives are worth about
14.5% of the points on the board. With WinSPMBT, the grouped objectives are still 65 points each, but a 2009 battalion sized force can run up to 20,000 points. In this case, the same objectives are worth only about
2.5%. Because the cost of the 2009 battalion is so much more than a 1941 battalion, the objectives have been all but relegated to insignificance.
If there was a way to dynamically tie the value of the flags to the total force fighting over them, then they will be restored to the importance they are supposed to have.
OK, where's Don?