Thanks for the encouragement!
I considered putting all of the tools in their own window early on, but decided against it for now. It is possible that future versions will incorporate this. The screenshot looks a little cluttered, but when actually editing the map, you can hide all of the tool windows except the one labeled 'Province'. The pair of purple tool windows can be drug around within the main window's boundaries and all options are saved in a configuration file so that preferences are retained after closing the program. Not shown are the unit, site & item pickers which hide all other tools when opened.
Also not shown is the options window which contains settings for:
Maps directory
Background Image
Map Markers
-Flash selection
-Show neighbors
-Mark visited
-Center on selection
-Marker attributes
--(base center, ring, neighbor colors)
--(selected center, ring, neighbor colors)
--(Visited center color)
--(Nostart color)[incomplete]
--(Start color)[incomplete]
--(Victory point color)[incomplete]
--(ring width & radius)
--(neighbor width)
--(selection block width & height)
Most changes in the marker attributes are shown real time in a preview window. The markers are the circles that denote province centers (instead of flags). A fair bit of information can be seen about a map through markers. There are currently tools to:
-Mark province (currently selected w/ definded 'visited' color)
-Mark starts
-Mark nostarts
-Mark special starts (w/ nation color)
-Mark owners (w/ nation color)
-Mark victory points
The possibility of user defined marking filters is in consideration. For example, mark all provinces with terrain of type farm, sea, swamp, etc, or mark all with commanders, custom poptypes, labs, and so on. On the wish list anyway.
One ambitious item high on the agenda is province templates. The buttons are there, but the functionality is still in the planning stage. More on that later. I also want to add some support for map specific mods but it is too early to really consider all of the implications to the design as it stands. I am trying not to get so ambitious that I smother the project into the recycle bin.