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Old August 29th, 2001, 02:11 PM

tesco samoa tesco samoa is offline
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Default Re: Strategic combat has more bugs than my backyard!

Ahh I have now figured out how to add units.

But I still want *hope* them to completely rewrite the combat engine.

Who wants to be a George C. Marshell when you can be a Desert Fox.

The simulator as it stands now is next to useless.

And Strategic Combat only makes me shake my head and wonder why the computer decided to have Marvin the robot take over all my ships and help them commit suicide.

Oh well. Make do with what ya got.

L? GdX $ Fr C++ SdT T+ Sf* Tcp+ A M++ MpTM ROTS Pw+ Fq+ Nd Rp++ G+
old avatar = http://www.shrapnelgames.com/cgi-bin...1051567998.jpg

Hey GUTB where did you go...???

He is still driving his mighty armada at 3 miles per month along the interstellar highway bypass and will be arriving shortly
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Old August 30th, 2001, 01:21 AM

CW CW is offline
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Default Re: Strategic combat has more bugs than my backyard!

Maybe it is not the simulator and ship building screen, since I can't reproduce the problem again.
A propeller is just a big fan in front of the plane designed to keep the pilot cool. Want prove? Stop the prop and watch the pilot break out in a heavy sweat!
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Old August 30th, 2001, 10:24 PM

Lemmy Lemmy is offline
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Default Re: Strategic combat has more bugs than my backyard!

Originally posted by CW:
That's because you chose populsion expert as your racial tech, all of your ships get an extra movement point.

uhm..no i didn't, sometimes i get 5 movement, sometimes 6.

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Old August 31st, 2001, 09:34 AM
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Default Re: Strategic combat has more bugs than my backyard!

the movement isn't always correctly calculated either, i was once testing a design, which had 6 orange engines (forgot the name, +1 bonus)

Contra terrene

and a solar sail III, that is 5 combat movement, on occasion after changing the weapons, i got 6 movement instead of 5.

Ate youusing a mod which for some reason gives engine abilities to the weapon you changed? All engines need to be the same type in order to gain the +1 movement of the contra-terrene engine. For example, if you have 5 contra-terrene engines and 1 ion engine, you won't get the movement bonus. If that weapon has engine-like properties, you will lose your +1.

SE4 Code:
L GdY $ Fr- C- Sd T!+ Sf-- Tcp-- A% M>M+ MpD! RV Pw Fq+ Nd- Rp+ G-
/SE4 Code
Work out your code at http://www.sandman43.fsnet.co.uk/se4main.htm

[This message has been edited by dogscoff (edited 31 August 2001).]
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Old August 31st, 2001, 03:02 PM
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Default Re: Strategic combat has more bugs than my backyard!

Originally posted by CW:
When ever I finished with the sim I would discover that this fleet of 4 is disbanded, cancelling all orders I gave. Anyone know what's going on?

Well, first, are you playing sim-turn or hotseat? Second, are these unique ships? Or have you successfully added the same ship design to other fleets? Are they captured ships (in which case the original owner may have turned on individual ship ministers)? And, finally (and I'm really reaching here) are you giving them a unique fleet name (not that I've heard of any bugs with using the same fleet name for multiple fleets, but still...)?

L++ GdY $ Fr>Fr++ C++ SdS T-- Sf Tcp? A%% M- Mp! RTH!P Pw Fq-->Fq+ Nd>Nd+++++ Rp++ G+
L++ Se+++ GdY $++ Fr C+++ Csc Sf Ai AuO M+ MpTM S Ss RRSHP+ Pw- Fq-&gt;Fq+ Nd+++ Rp G++ Mm++ Bb---
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Old August 31st, 2001, 10:43 PM

Lemmy Lemmy is offline
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Default Re: Strategic combat has more bugs than my backyard!

not using any mod at all.
and the problem is that i get 1 extra movement occasionally, not one less.
i've been trying to recreate this problem in the sim, but it seems to work ok now.
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Old August 31st, 2001, 11:23 PM

tesco samoa tesco samoa is offline
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Default Re: Strategic combat has more bugs than my backyard!

Hey CW how is the simulator going.

It is still driving me crazy.

Hope they rewrite it.

What's the use of having a simulator if it does not mimic real life?

L? GdX $ Fr C++ SdT T+ Sf* Tcp+ A M++ MpTM ROTS Pw+ Fq+ Nd Rp++ G+
old avatar = http://www.shrapnelgames.com/cgi-bin...1051567998.jpg

Hey GUTB where did you go...???

He is still driving his mighty armada at 3 miles per month along the interstellar highway bypass and will be arriving shortly
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