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Old November 1st, 2007, 02:36 AM
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Default Re: Version 0.4

Shovah32 said:
Wonde is superior to Joe! o_o

Even without the experience Wonde seems to have 1 more hit point, 1 more defence and 2 less encumberance.
That's because Joe is standing on a swamp. And the first experience star doesn't give any hitpoint bonus, so they're pretty much equal.

Joe is heorically stupid and Wonde has Iron Will. The normal magic resistance for "Joe the Tanner" is 5.
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Old November 4th, 2007, 01:36 PM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Re: Version 0.4

Just thought I'd let everyone know that I gave this a look today and came away with a very good first impression. I'll certainly be playing with this mod a bit in the future and I hope Burnsaber keeps working on it, with feedback of course ;]
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Old November 7th, 2007, 04:50 AM
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Default Re: Version 0.4

Sombre said:
Just thought I'd let everyone know that I gave this a look today and came away with a very good first impression. I'll certainly be playing with this mod a bit in the future and I hope Burnsaber keeps working on it, with feedback of course ;]
Thank you very much for your kind words, Sombre.

Version 0.5 is up!
Changes include:
- Toned down the gifted
- Other balance fixes
- Added 9 national spells
- 5 new pretender choices, 1 national unique
- improved grammar and spelling
- Added hero: Captain Alugra

I went through the descriptions 3 times and put them through a manual spelling fix. Unfortunately I haven't actually studied correct english in a while, so internet has managed to corrupt my english quite well. If there are any more spelling/grammar errors, the odds are that I don't even realize them as mistakes. If you would be kind enough to point any spelling/grammar errors in the mod, I'll fix them for the next version.

Yes, you read that last paragraph right. I'm asking you to be a Grammar Nazi.

Some of you might be thinking that having 6 national personal buff spells is a bit excessive, but I really want to encourage to use the Manifests and trained gifted as thugs instead of battlemages. Superheroism is all about smashing face, not throwing fireballs around.

If someone would be kind of to tell me why the forum isn't showing my awesome nation preview pick in the first post, that'd be super. (problem fixed, thanks to Sombre)
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Old November 7th, 2007, 01:03 PM
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Default Re: Version 0.4

I had a little written up about this mod, but I feel I need to play it a bit more. Now there's more stuff! Yay.
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Old November 13th, 2007, 04:13 AM
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Default Re: Version 0.4

I'm having trouble using the Watchmen, but they make excellent mages and are flying, so they have a niche. The workers and villains are amazing in melee.

Descriptions, esp. for the Fisherman, are awesome.

I really like the graphics. They're very "dominions-y".

I've caught a couple descriptions errors, but you've probably caught them with the spellchecker.

Overall, the "Gift of Reason" nation is fun to play with just to try for different possibilities. It also is fun to be easily able to give various dumb-summons leadership.
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Old November 13th, 2007, 11:06 AM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Re: Version 0.4

There are still quite a few little problems in the descriptions Burn. I'm willing to go through the entire mod and just tweak bits in the descriptions if you'd like. Tonight I'm a bit busy but on Thursday I could certainly do it.

Couple of other thoughts - should ungifted soldiers have flail, the two-handed(?) weapon used by flagellants, or morningstar, the one handed weapon used by ulmish infantry with shields? Also it seems like librarians are a bit too hot at research. I know that's the point of them, but 200 gold for 10 research in a single mage is pretty amazing. I don't know, perhaps they aren't too good, I'm not very good with EA mage balance and they aren't useful as mages really, just for research.
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Old November 13th, 2007, 11:45 AM
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Default Re: Version 0.5

Thanks for feedback, Morkilus. Watchmen are flying elite heavy infantry (like Caelum ice armor flyers, expect that they don't suck), they just slaughter archers.

I'm glad that you liked it.

Thanks for volunteering to check the descriptions. When I see you on IrC, I'll show you the Baa'Lah description. You don't necessarrily need to check the Smith description: I'll be changing it for next version. I found that they are *very good* for early expansion, as they're practically immune to archers. I'm making them able to "morph" into metal and before each battle they morph with a Full Plate Armor. Yeah, just like Iron Man with his battlesuit. (it's a eloborate excuse to rise their resource cost since the armor in which they morph into has to be made first, you see?)

I was also thinking of making a national summon. It's a huge metallic statue, in which 5 smiths have morphed into. Two of them makes the legs move, two make the arms move and one controls. No, the word "Voltron" means nothing to me. "Power Rangers", doesn't ring any bells either. Yes, I'm a extremely silly person.

Yeah, it's meant to be a morningstar. I was working on it quite late in night and forgot the name for that "one handed flail", I just looked at the DB and found the 1-h flail. So I gave the "Lava Warrior" Flail to them..
It will be fixed for the next version.

About Librarians. Yeah, they're a bit too boring. You just recruit them whenever you can (even if I nerfed their research). They kinda overshadow the Master and Preacher as capitol only commander and discourage taking Magic scale (Magic is *very* thematical for this nation). I was thinking of making them recruitable troops (they'd then be Mind Blast archers, like Illithids). I might give the master a small price decrease. Then the capitol would probably produce about 50/50 Preachers and Masters. Masters are pretty good mages (Astral magic is awesome afterall, and if you get one with F/D random: hello Nether Darts/Astral Fires!). Preachers are just leaders, until you research the AoE Charm spell for them .
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Old November 21st, 2007, 03:03 PM
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Default Re: Version 0.6

Version 0.6 is here. Now with 100% more naked demon chicks!
This is quite final version, I'm not intending to add any more stuff (since I just noticed my .dm is just as big as the skaven mods .dm file -> a good sign that I have enough stuff in). So now on it will be all about balancing, balancing and more balancing.

- Added "Inner Reserve" spell
- Added Colossus and Baa'Lah, alongside with the spells to summon them.
- Made Librarians troops instead of commanders and fiddled with their randoms dramatically
- Gambler randoms made better
- fixed the armor issue on the Ninja Turle
- many minor bugs fixed
- minor nerfs to many gifted troops
- Manifests now sacred to make bless matter something for this nation

Ok, Endoperez, how do you like Baa'Lah? I decided against her having the human sized second shape for three reasons;
1) Female seduce is so marginal ability that the player would probably still just use the badass form 99.9999% of the time.
2) More artistic work (I'm lazy like that)
3) She can only change shape by a virgins kiss in the comic, so it's not like that she can change shape at will.
I'm basing the "Baa'Lah" became good on the part of the comic where she feeled sorry for that knight she remembered slaying, as she seemed to have gained "soul", so to speak, after Ayalah bound her into her servitude.
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Old November 21st, 2007, 03:35 PM
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Default Re: Version 0.6

Eh.. I accidentally had worng version uploaded. If you downloaded your version beifre I posted this, it might be a good idea to download again.
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Old November 22nd, 2007, 02:10 AM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Description \'fix\'

I just went through the .dm and tweaked a load of descriptions, ironing out typos and clunky sentences. I didn't want to change it too much though :]

Anyway, the .dm is in the attached zip. It has the same name as the original, so careful if you want to make a backup.
Attached Files
File Type: zip 566140-CoW dm fix.zip (15.2 KB, 191 views)
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