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Old January 11th, 2007, 08:09 PM
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Default Re: Possibility of Brand-New Ages


I like the way you think. A few comments:

The Black Coven is not as ancient as the others (or most of them).

Aren't the Shaded Lands more a place the dead go to than any kind of nation? A part of the Underworld or something like that.

I don't think titans in general ever had a nation, although the Aesir did, before they lost to the Rimtursar.

Abysians might be there as non-humanoid elemental beings.
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Old January 11th, 2007, 08:41 PM
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Default Re: Possibility of Brand-New Ages

A final apocalyptic age, with entirely human nations, but powerful mages and priests would be good. Earth would be the dominant magic path, with around 50% of nations having it, whereas astral and blood would be relatively rare. Spies, assassins and maybe other indirect combatants (smugglers, pirates, thieves) would be common, even as indy recruitables. Sailing and inquisitors would also be common. Individual human mages and priests would be powerful, but sacred mage-priests and warrior-mages would not be common at all. Standard-bearer leaders and siege engineers would be plentiful.
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Old January 11th, 2007, 11:15 PM
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Default Re: Possibility of Brand-New Ages

Sorry, but, if I have anything to say about it, the Hoburgs stay in Late Late Age-especially since noone seems to like that the Hoburgs are taking over, because that's just telling me that I'm getting exactly the reaction I want to them, which is anger, disgust, and appaul.

They aren't there because I'm in love with them, they're present as an ENEMY-as a form of EVIL that doesn't happen to come in the form of a giant soul-sucking demon, but in the end is far worse.

Nobody I want to hang out with wants to live next door to Nazis either, but they do make excellent villains, because you don't have to morally justify killing them.

Not all the Hoburgs are that level of evil, (or evil at all, for that matter) mind you-but the other two nations should be interesting and different enough that they'll appeal to some players.

I really, really have no desire to see a humans-only age, Sandman. To me that's just not appealing in the least.

Agrajag, I'm happy to see you, I was getting lonely without you around to make my life more difficult I like your ideas for Pangaea a lot, but-considering FrankTrollman's post-I'll probably use a similar set-up for the Ivy Kingdom, as far as a widespread Carrion Woods effect is concerned. The reason for this is that several spell descriptions mention a "Dark Hungry Presence In The Woods" (sounds very 'Evil-Dead', don't you agree?) in past ages, which has been lying dormant-the Ivy Kingdom fits the bill perfectly as-on the surface-the bright, green, fresh-and-growing home of the Treelords, flowers, and hippies, and underneath, a dark, deep, powerful alien force (don't mess with Mother Nature). Ivy Kingdom's magic will be purely Nature and Blood (summercamp at Crystal Lake tchu-tchu-tchu, ahh ahh ahh). Pangaea I've decided will indeed appear in the Late, Late Age (Age of Wisdom!) as a swamp-related nation with bog-mummy units and summons. Magic will be nature, death, water, and quite possibly blood.

Frank, I need a little time to fully digest your post, but thank you very much! I'll do my best to fit in the The Black Coven, the Ivy Kingdom, the Celestial Symphony, the Realm of the Yazatas, the Sidhe Court, and a Vanheim-nation (which will probably boil down to the Aesir). Providing ofcourse I can shoe-horn them in, in an aesthetically pleasing way.

As a side-note, I do want to mod in non-player Nations, how feasable is this currently?

Agrajag, that's what I had in mind-making a mod is just making a mod, it wouldn't allow me to create a framework for others to add their ideas into, without having to be "in to my mod". Certain things should be globally different from one age to another, like the independents you mention.

R'lyeh I don't quite have a handle on yet (question: does anyone? C'thulu F'tagn?), but I do use a race called the Yoth (Nerfix came up with the name) in a mod who are to illithids what jotuns are to humans. That's a nation in my Lovecraftian Mod, though, which is mostly "Outside of Time and Space". Muahahahahahaha!

Anyway, thanks everybody. I'm really pleased to be getting lots of feedback on this thread.
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Old January 12th, 2007, 06:58 AM
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Default Re: Possibility of Brand-New Ages

Just because I started detailing my vision for uber-late age, I think I'll finish it.
Even though there's no one to implement it into the game and it will just remain ideas. (Maybe someone will like one of my ideas and mod it in )

Abysia undergoes another change, one Abysian afraid of the strength of the Humanbreds manages to breed a superior brand of Demonbreds. The demonbreds manage to multiply rapidly and war against the humanbred, completely annihilating them, but the strength of the true-blooded abysians is not restored, instead they serve as sages and advisors to the ruling body of demonbreds. The demonbreds use vicious tactics of stealth and subterfuge, and use their strength and flying ability to attempt to conquer the world in order to sacrifice the population of the entire world to open up the Inferno and bring the demon realm to the world. Lots of blood, and quite a bit of fire.
The humans of Agartha were not strong enough in magic to preserve the caves of the ancient Agarthans, and they collapsed in an earthquake, burying Agartha completely and eliminating them from the map.
Perhaps a nation of buried dead rise from that?
---I'm tired again I've got some more ideas I'll write down later--
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