I've had this error:
Dom III PBEM Manager Interactive mode.
initing class...
Loading class configuration
section found: test1
section items: [('sent_turns_msg', '<message that will be added to the turn dis
tribution email>'), ('players', '<list of players in the following format: playe
layer1_nation, player2_email
layer2_nation etc.\nExample: player@gmai
[email protected]:mid_pythium, etc>')]
section found: GAMES
section items: [('games', '<list of games seperated by ,>')]
section found: GENERAL
section items: [('backup_path', 'D:\\temp\\domIII'), ('host_pwd', '<your passwo
rd>'), ('host_email', '<your gmail address>'), ('dom_path', 'D:\\Program Files\\
dominions3'), ('temp_turns_path', 'D:\\temp'), ('sig_msg', 'Thanks, <your name>'
), ('active_game', '<default for currently active game>')]
item in general: backup_path value: D:\temp\domIII
setting value of backup turns path to: D:\temp\domIII
item in general: host_pwd value: <your password>
setting value of host password
item in general: host_email value: <your gmail address>
setting value of host email to: <your gmail address>
item in general: dom_path value: D:\Program Files\dominions3
setting value of dominions path to: D:\Program Files\dominions3
item in general: temp_turns_path value: D:\temp
setting value of temporary turns path to: D:\temp
item in general: sig_msg value: Thanks, <your name>
setting value of signature to: Thanks, <your name>
item in general: active_game value: <default for currently active game>
setting value of active game to: [ <default for currently active game> ]
item in games: games value: <list of games seperated by ,>
loaded game name list: ['<list of games seperated by ', '>']
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Program Files\459268-PBEM_Util\domIII_PBEM_utils.py", line 784, in <m
File "C:\Program Files\459268-PBEM_Util\domIII_PBEM_utils.py", line 756, in in
mgr = DomIIPbemMgr()
File "C:\Program Files\459268-PBEM_Util\domIII_PBEM_utils.py", line 116, in __
File "C:\Program Files\459268-PBEM_Util\domIII_PBEM_utils.py", line 250, in lo
game_item = self.config.items(game_name.strip())
File "C:\Program Files\Python25\lib\ConfigParser.py", line 544, in items
raise NoSectionError(section)
ConfigParser.NoSectionError: No section: '<list of games seperated by'