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Old June 19th, 2006, 04:01 AM
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Default Re: Some Observations...(all are welcomed)

I saw a documentary about pig farming in the Netherlands once. Spends most of the film showing the happy little porkers growing up in their pen, and apart from the bit where they avoid the meat being ruined by a boarish smell, they appeared to do well enough. Then at the end most of them get sent off. It took about 4-5 seconds from being happy little porkers to getting koshered you might say It was humane I guess. Lets just say it inolved electricity.
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Old June 19th, 2006, 04:51 AM
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Default Re: Some Observations...(all are welcomed)

I only buy organic and/ or 'cruelty-free' meat at the supermarket. However who knows what I eat when I eat out...
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Old June 19th, 2006, 09:21 PM
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Default Re: Some Observations...(all are welcomed)

Strategia_In_Ultima said:
Right now, a reasonably-sized part of our animal (mainly chicken, pig and cow) products comes from what we call the "bio-industry", which is definitely NOT humane.
One company does something cruelly so now the whole industry is "inhumane?" Flimsy propaganda is all they have going. There are all sorts of valid reasons to be a vegetarian (not so many for veganism, but whatever floats your boat); alarmist propaganda like this isn't one of them.

Note that I am not calling you an alarmist or anything; you are just as much a victim as everyone else.
It's not whether you win or lose that counts: it's how much pain you inflict along the way.
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Old June 20th, 2006, 12:18 AM

Renegade 13 Renegade 13 is offline
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Default Re: Some Observations...(all are welcomed)

I don't mean to cause any offense SIU, but what you've been told is a big load of bull****.

Chickens don't have their beaks burned off; how would they eat? It would serve absolutely no purpose. Yeah, they're slaughtered under a year old, but how is that wrong? They're full grown before a year is out, so it makes little economic sense to keep them alive. It sure isn't immoral/inhumane to kill them young. Also, chickens aren't killed by drowning or gassing, they're killed by electrocution since it makes the feathers much easier to remove. They don't feel a thing when you jolt them with thousands of volts.

Speaking as a cattle rancher, someone with knowledge about these things. Cattle most certainly are NOT stuffed in crates shortly after birth, to live there for life. Calves are born, castrated (in a humane manner, trust me on this. They're neutered via constriction of an elastic band. Everything just goes numb) then get an ear-tag identifying them (no worse than a person getting an earring). After that, they live with their mothers on pasture. The pasture is about 50 acres in size, so there's plenty of room. Plenty of grass and water. Or hay and water before the grass is growing. They grow until they're roughly 700 pounds (8 months or so), then they're sold. After that, they go to the feedlot where they're grain-fed for another several months (always with space to move around and do what cows do...which is primarly eat, sleep, and crap) until they're around 1300 pounds, and then they're slaughtered. They are slaughtered via a painless procedure whereby their brain is penetrated by a sharp object, and they die instantly.

Animal rights activists are (in a lot of cases) manipulative in the extreme. For example, it was proven that here in Canada, where they petition for the outlawing of the seal hunt, it was shown that they organized the skinning of a live seal. They then filmed this, and used it as their ammunition to try and outlaw it. I don't know about you, but this sickens me a hell of a lot more than how animals are slaughtered. Sickens me.

I'm not trying to convince you to eat meat, since you seem rather convinced that it's the right thing to do. But you sure wouldn't have survived being a vegetarian back a couple hundred years ago

I've participated in the slaughtering of several of our own animals. They're shot in the head and die right away. Sometimes they live to a ripe old age, 14 years or so (cows don't have a long natural lifespan).

The ways people kill animals nowadays is one hell of a lot more humane than how animals kill each other. Sometimes I think people (animal rights activists) are just looking for some cause to get the public upset so they can rake in the cash from donations. In fact, I'm sure that's what some of them are in it for. Now, I'm not saying all are like that, but I'm sure a lot are.

I will remain a proud meat-eating person for all my life. I will never stop eating meat...and enjoy every bite of it.
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is that little voice at the end of the day that says "I'll try again tomorrow".

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Old June 20th, 2006, 07:49 AM

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Default Re: Some Observations...(all are welcomed)

----- A compelling hypothetical; not to judge but to offer thought expansion:

I'm an omnivore.
My intellect lets me know many benefits to eating meat. Taste pleasue, high brain energy, better adaptation in case of an extreme environmental condition...

My intellect also allows me to use emotion to empathize with my prey(even if the meat is from a store or restaurant). Sapience and consciousness are just words created that stress our extreme intelligence level above the other life forms that we share this planet with...

Assume a scenario where an alien race of an extreme intelligence level above ours that we share this universe with comes to our humble planet. They too are omnivores and have found us to be a tasty food item. They process us in a very quick and painless way. Indeed, we may not even know the scope of this process or even that it happens; even at the point of death. I doubt many of our food life forms(animals) know what will happen to them as they go about their business in the fields and buildings and water.

This is the nature of things. Even life forms of equal or nearly equal levels of intelligence routinely eat each other. Many have evolved it to a necessity.

If we became aware that these aliens were eating us our number one desire would be that they stop eating us. We also might want them to go away and stop the food processes and infrusructure that they built up around us. We would not care so much how quick and painless the death process was when compared to the process as a whole. Most of the aliens might not even care if they could even be aware of our complaints.
Our food life forms complain in their various ways moments before their death. Cows, pigs, and chickens struggling and screaming in a processing building; fish and other life forms struggling and communicating in various ways in nets and boats.
The aliens would use their own extreme intellect above ours to measure their benefits and emotion. The majority of them would probably continue to consume us as a tasty food item.

Hopefully any aliens that we meet will have advanced enough evolutionary or technologically to direct energy consumption; or simply not find us to be a tasty food item. Hopefully we will have advanced to a level of intelligence, technology, and evolution higher than our competitors when we meet(possibly to direct energy consumption).

When we leave this solar system to colonize others we will find new life forms of lesser intelligence. We will probably find many of them to be tasty food items that we process in a quick and painless way.

These are some things I some times consider that make me think about being a vegitarian. In the end though I am an omnivore.

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Old June 20th, 2006, 09:37 AM
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Default Re: Some Observations...(all are welcomed)

One company does something cruelly so now the whole industry is "inhumane?" Flimsy propaganda is all they have going.
Not just one single company, there's an entire branch of them out here. Of course, there are also the more humane companies, but there are still companies which treat their animals cruelly.

Speaking as a cattle rancher, someone with knowledge about these things. Cattle most certainly are NOT stuffed in crates shortly after birth, to live there for life.
You might be so humane, but like I said there are companies here which aren't. We don't have the wide open spaces of North America, hence the "bio-industry" which started to emerge after WWII; that way, you could have the largest amount of animals in the smallest amount of space.

Animal rights activists are (in a lot of cases) manipulative in the extreme. For example, it was proven that here in Canada, where they petition for the outlawing of the seal hunt, it was shown that they organized the skinning of a live seal. They then filmed this, and used it as their ammunition to try and outlaw it. I don't know about you, but this sickens me a hell of a lot more than how animals are slaughtered. Sickens me.
This, to me, is on the same level of evil as Nazism.

I understand your reactions, and I won't attempt to convince you to stop eating meat (such efforts are limited to semi-serious discussions with my friends during lunch), or convince you that all of what I heard is true, but some of it is, and personally I see no reason to eat meat. I've been brought up a vegetarian, and I'll die a vegetarian.

(Note: I have not responded to some statements. Please take this as my agreement on this; I have only responded to those statements I did not agree with. I have read your posts and seriously considered them.)
O'Neill: I have something I want to confess you. The name's not Kirk. It's Skywalker. Luke Skywalker.
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Old June 20th, 2006, 10:09 AM
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Default Re: Some Observations...(all are welcomed)

Wade said:A compelling hypothetical;
Compelling is in the eye of the beholder.
Assume a scenario where an alien race of an extreme intelligence level above ours that we share this universe with comes to our humble planet. They too are omnivores and have found us to be a tasty food item.
This is where I start to have suspension of disbelief problems with the scenario. Even if some quality of the universe causes all life forms to use chemically similar forms of DNA, ISTM that the odds are that separate paths of molecular evolution would leave each race full of biochemicals that the other(s) find unpalatable if not toxic. At best, I'd expect us to make potentially useful sources of exotic organic chemicals.

One of my favorite bits of the background color in Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri is the incompatible biochemistry between Terran animals and Planet's lifeforms.
If we became aware that these aliens were eating us our number one desire would be that they stop eating us. We also might want them to go away and stop the food processes and infrusructure that they built up around us. We would not care so much how quick and painless the death process was when compared to the process as a whole. Most of the aliens might not even care if they could even be aware of our complaints.
Our number one desire would be to convince others that it's really happening.
Cap'n Q

"Good morning, Pooh Bear," said Eeyore gloomily. "If it is a good morning," he said. "Which I doubt," said he.
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Old June 20th, 2006, 10:48 AM

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Default Re: Some Observations...(all are welcomed)

Oh the humanity of it all!

Billions of individual living entities are raised in crowed conditions feed special chemicals to maximize there growth then they are slaughter so that their gestating young can be ripped from the parents carcass just to be used to feed the masses of humans and other animals!!! Many of these living entities are actually eaten while still alive!

They have a right to live without the cruel treatment of modern farming!

Thought on Aliens eating humans.
1) The chances are that our biology is a compatible food source for an ext-terrestrial is probably very low.
2) We generally do not farm predator animals for food. Not because they don�t taste good, but because it�s dangerous! It�s dangerous enough just raising non-carnivore.
3) The environmental toxins are usually much more concentrated in predator animals.
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Old June 20th, 2006, 11:10 AM

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Default Re: Some Observations...(all are welcomed)

--I said *assume* a scenario...as in hypothetical.

--I said *an* alien race...as in one possibility using a hypothetical assumption.

--If an alien race is advanced enough then they can make use of chemically different forms of DNA as food.

--I said *we* as meaning the entire human race. Thus if *we* became aware that these aliens were eating us our number one desire would be that they stop eating us. Others would not nead convincing because *we* all would already know.

--I vaguely remember a documentary about evidence that the US government was using laser scalpals, black helicopters at night, and such to harvest cattle organs and genitilia. This was to do research on the possible effects of radiation in regards to cancer and reproduction in humans. In the mid century there was wide scale atom bomb and radiation tests across wide expansess of several US mid-western states.

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Old June 20th, 2006, 03:17 PM

Renegade 13 Renegade 13 is offline
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Default Re: Some Observations...(all are welcomed)

Strategia_In_Ultima said:
You might be so humane, but like I said there are companies here which aren't. We don't have the wide open spaces of North America, hence the "bio-industry" which started to emerge after WWII; that way, you could have the largest amount of animals in the smallest amount of space.
I agree, in part at least. I guess my point was that things like that do not happen here in North America, to the best of my knowledge. I don't know what happens in Europe nearly as much. Though I must say I still have my doubts, since governmental regulations are generally very strict when it comes to the treatment of animals. Also I'd ask you; have you seen such plants with you're own eyes, or are you relying on the 'evidence' provided by others? There's an old saying I like; "Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear."


This, to me, is on the same level of evil as Nazism.

I understand your reactions, and I won't attempt to convince you to stop eating meat (such efforts are limited to semi-serious discussions with my friends during lunch), or convince you that all of what I heard is true, but some of it is, and personally I see no reason to eat meat. I've been brought up a vegetarian, and I'll die a vegetarian.
It may not seem like it, but I do respect your convictions. I may not agree with them, but it is every human's right to choose what they will and will not do, and I have no right to aggressively argue my point of view over and over So I won't!

(Note: I have not responded to some statements. Please take this as my agreement on this; I have only responded to those statements I did not agree with. I have read your posts and seriously considered them.)
I too have read and considered your posts, and agree with some, not with others (obviously!).

Arguements should be something like this, statements of beliefs, not shouting/pissing matches. I'm happy everyone here is remaining civil about this, even when it wasn't in any way related to the original topic! Though if anyone did come close to being uncivil, it was probably me!
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is that little voice at the end of the day that says "I'll try again tomorrow".

Maturity is knowing you were an idiot in the past. Wisdom is knowing that you'll be an idiot in the future.

Download the Nosral Confederacy (a shipset based upon the Phong) and the Tyrellian Imperium, an organic looking shipset I created! (The Nosral are the better of the two [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Grin.gif[/img] )
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